Support for Daikin AirBase units

What entry urls do you have for those temps?

Thanks for the reply, it was something weird with my mesh setup. I can ping it now, so now Iā€™ll wait for you guys to finish the magic. Many thanks.

I am using the Daikin Airbase BRP15B61. Iā€™ve noticed when operating via Home Assistant the fan speed on my ducted system is getting changed from high to low?

It doesnā€™t do that if I use the Daikin Airbase app.

Any ideas? I literally set up my Home Assistant yesterday so on a steep learning curb :slight_smile:

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@jurgenweber do you have the same action?

> debug mode of wall controller does show a few temps are available.

What entry urls do you have for those temps?

@fredrike - no URLā€™s - it is a key sequence i found for the wall controllerā€¦

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I guess it might be quite hard to find that entrypoint thenā€¦

So should this work now in 91.3?

Woohoo, I got it working by deleting it from integrations and adding it again. Thanks guys

Hi Fredrike, Thanks for your work in getting this integrated into the Daikin component. I did some background work on the airbase when it was first released looking into the URLs etc, The seems to be the Airbase only had 3 fan speeds. When you use the get_control_info URL, the f_rate=1 for low, =3 for mid and =5 for high.

I believe in the pydaikin - in the the translations for the ā€˜f_rateā€™ should be something like this, in addition there arenā€™t any Auto or Slience mode for the fans.

'f_rate': {
        '1': 'low',
        '3': 'mid',
        '5': 'high',

However, when using the current and trying to set the rates to 3 and 5 it doesnā€™t seem to work. It does read the rates as 3 and 5 if I set them from my iOS Airbase app to Mid and High though.

Great find!

When developing support for Airbase I was in contact @jurgenweber and according to him only Low and High was available. Hence I mapped fan speed as everything not high as low in

Iā€™ll revise and change the pydaikin and update the HA code accordingly. But I am not available in the next few days so it might take some weeks before it reaches a new version in HA.

Same here from our testing, only have Low and High.

I only have low and high too

I guess we need to reach some consensus in this. How can we detect (via the API) which fan_modes that are supported?

Suppose maybe we need from more sample data to see if there is anything relevant in the various api results from those with high-low vs high-med-low

I know we saw High which was Fan mode=3 gives a f_rate=5
I know we saw Low which was Fan mode=1 gives a f_rate=1

Ok maybe there are different rates depending on the Units?
As a survey I have
Airbase App = 3 modes - low, mid, high
Daikin Physical controller = 3 modes - low, mid, high

In my current I have the unit - Set to Cooling mode 22 deg but off
Fan speed ā€œlowā€ returns:

Fan speed ā€œmidā€ returns:

Fan speed ā€œhighā€ returns:

Just some more info - if I use get_model_info I get the following. I wonder if the ā€œfrate_stepsā€ below tells us the difference between 2 step fan modes and 3 step fan modes?

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for my Airbase with only Low and High -


So the f_rate is different to ones with 3 speedsā€¦ But looks promising as a way to determine the difference and how to map it.! well done.

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Ok, so Iā€™ve build temporary support for modular fan-rates (reading the supported settings from get_model_info) in and it would be great if some of you could test the changes.

Also, does the AirBase units support Holiday mode and how does it work? It seems to be fairly easy to implement it. Below is a screenshot of how it looks in the Daikin Online Controller app for my unit.

Hi Fredrike, and thanks for all your efforts.

I have the airbase app (1.0.4) on an android and have recently updated the firmware to 1.1.1 on the airbase module. The app main page provides support for:
MODE: cool, fan, heat, dry
FAN SPEED: this toggles Lo or Hi for me (though there are 3 bars on the icon suggesting med is possible where supported)
POWER: on/off
TEMPERATURE: this seems to be the duct temperature no matter what I do with the daikin field settings.
There is no ā€œHOLIDAYā€ mode that I can find.

If I check the model info I get exactly the same response string that borgy has. This fits with the two fan steps.

I have no zone controller, but the daikin component loads 8 switches - does the airbase app allow zone control for those with zone controllers? If so the airbase app seems to be able to exclude them for me.

I have only one temperature, but the daikin component loads 2 thermometer sensors for me. The airbase app only shows one temperature. Maybe it is excluding one based on the response below (see htemp=/otemp=)

The following responses occur for me (no zone controller installed):

Finally, with the recent files you have suggested I get the below error. The 2 thermometer sensors and 8 switches still load but there is no climate component. I am running hassio, and have implemented this as a custom component and substituted your 2 recommended files where appropriate. It is possible I have done this incorrectly (my experience is very limited).

Error while setting up platform daikin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ā€œ/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.pyā€, line 126, in _async_setup_platform
SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=hass.loop)
File ā€œ/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.pyā€, line 416, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File ā€œ/config/custom_components/daikin/climate.pyā€, line 69, in async_setup_entry
File ā€œ/config/custom_components/daikin/climate.pyā€, line 82, in init
ATTR_FAN_MODE: self._api.device.fan_modes,
AttributeError: ā€˜Applianceā€™ object has no attribute ā€˜fan_modesā€™

I hope this helps

Thank you @racsa for your extensive description of your AirBase setting.

I hope the current settings with Auto could be ok. When it comes to Temperature the current supported values are: 7-35 (Iā€™m not planning to change that as an incorrect value will reset to the closest correct value).

Ok, Iā€™ll hide it for ALL AirBase units then.

I did try to remove the Zones switches here, but apparently is it not working, could you please add a debug string to L26 like this so we can see what is going on.

Yes, the old Daikin devices (non AirBase units) reports otemp as outside temperature but only when the device is on. So I need to add the sensor for outside temperature even if it is not supported by your unit (you just have to live with a sensor wo value).

edit: Iā€™ve added a fix for that here: AirBase units does not support outside temp Ā· home-assistant/core@300e5cf Ā· GitHub (requires the f1d5067 version of

You need to replace the file in pydaikin (typically located at /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/ to support the latest changes to pyDaikin.


Sorry for the delay. Busy week here. edit:
zones = daikin_api.device.zones
if zones:

log output:

019-05-09 21:31:46 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for daikin which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
2019-05-09 21:31:55 ERROR (MainThread) [.] Error connecting to the Hue bridge at
2019-05-09 21:31:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for hue not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds.
2019-05-09 21:31:58 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for daikin not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds

The climate, 2 temp sensors and 8 switches are still loading. So it appears there is nothing for .info(zones) to report. I did incorrectly edit the file initially and it broke the switch loading - so home assistant looks to be using this file.

HASSIO and I are proving to be not very compatible when it comes to file access and replacement. I will try and put together a docker or hassbian version when I get a chance. Hopefully this weekend.

Thanks again