I have a Meater+ ( reporting firmware ‘04|’ )
The temperature reporting seems to be quite OK - compared with a Weber thermometer, differences are within what I would expect given the two probes are not inserted in the exact same location in the meat.
What I notice is that the “block” is blinking green - probably meaning it is waiting for connection.
I have it lying in room temperature now, let’s see how long it lasts before shutdown. I am guessing an hour before I need to re-insert it into the block and take it out again. Somewhat inconvenient when using for steaks left in the oven or grill for hours
Some highlights from the logging:
[11:42:50][C][ble_sensor:018]: MAC address : B8:1F:5E:84:72:30
[11:42:50][C][ble_sensor:019]: Service UUID : A75CC7FC-C956-488F-AC2A-2DBC08B63A04
[11:42:50][C][ble_sensor:020]: Characteristic UUID: 7EDDA774-045E-4BBF-909B-45D1991A2876
[11:42:50][C][ble_sensor:021]: Descriptor UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
[11:42:59][D][text_sensor:064]: 'Meater - Firmware': Sending state '04|'
[11:42:59][D][sensor:094]: 'firmware': Sending state 14.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:47:51][D][sensor:094]: 'Meater - Battery level': Sending state 100.00000 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:47:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Meater - Probe': Sending state 27.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:47:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Meater - Ambient': Sending state 27.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy