Support for Multiple Spotify Accounts

Any news on doing this now spotify is it’s own component and no longer a ‘platform’?


Now we need to configure Spotify component like this:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

How we can add two accounts in this case?

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I don’t think you can yet. At least, there is no mention of adding a second user account for Spotify anywhere in the docs.

I have the same question. Any word on how to add another account?

@elijah286 The docs have been updated in the meantime:

The integration support multiple Spotify accounts at once. You don’t need to create another Spotify application in the Spotify Developer Portal and no modification to the configuration.yaml file is needed. Multiple Spotify accounts can be linked to a single Spotify application.

To add an additional Spotify account to Home Assistant, repeat only the steps in the Activating the Spotify integration section. However, make sure you go to the Spotify website and log out before you do so.

Hi, any update on this one?
Have 1 family account with 3 users.
Want to add 2 more players in order to have 3 players, 1 for each user.
Is this possible?

Yes. The link to the updated docs was posted in previous post.

The docs are explaining that no other Spotify application is required in Spotify Developer Portal.
The Spotify application delivers the client_id and client_secret.
I have used this information for the 1th user.
I don’t believe it makes sense to re-use the same credentials for the 2nd and 3th user.

I guess the 2 client informations are user related, not account related.

How can I add an additional and 3th spotify user without their client_id and client_secret?

You just need to be logged in with second Spotify user when adding new Spotify integration in Home Assistant through UI. You’ll get the second integration. Then login with the third user and add an integration once again.

Many thanks, it finally works. The description was not clear for me.
You are right, I had to open a 2th tab in my browser, go to the Spotify website and login as 2nd user. Then in HA, in integrations add again Spotify and it creates a 2th user.

This brings me to another problem. I have a media.player card in the lovelace interface for the 2nd user but there is no default media.player device selected (source) and there is no way to add one… I also had only 1 source for the 1th user. How is it possible to select which media.player ‘device’ has to play the Spotify songs?

The sources will appear there when you’ll use Spotify on another device as I remember. Try to play something on your PC, for example.

I was able to integrate two accounts in hassio.
I logged in to acc_1 with my spotify app on android and play music along all my devices. Works.
I logged in to acc_2 with my spotify app on android and play music along all my devices. Works.
In hassio each account has only one subset of all speakers. Seems, as one speaker can only belong to one spotify-account. I’d like to have a dedicated spotify account per room and play music on that device…