Support for Nest Protect

If you not changed your account of nest to google you can use the old integration… My nest is fully supported include the protects…

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damn, should have read the forums before getting into it… Have 2 Nest protects just setup but cannot integrate =(

I hope the new integration will support the protects also… Then we can move from the old to the new one.

yeah, same here. Nothing there yet though.
Did you manage to get notifications working? I see them in the Nest app but no popup on the phone

I only have a automation when there is smoke… the test of the protects I don’t get them in HA

I just managed to get Nest Protects into HA. The workaround works both before and after migrating my Nest account into a google account:

I’ve setup a seperate Homebridge ( Homebridge ) instance (in my case, the Oznu Docker container in my Synology NAS ( oznu/docker-homebridge: Homebridge Docker. HomeKit support for the impatient using Docker on x86_64, Raspberry Pi (armhf) and ARM64. Includes ffmpeg + libfdk-aac. ( ).

On Homebridge I installed Homebridge nest ( chrisjshull/homebridge-nest: Nest plugin for HomeBridge ( ) .

After this Homebridge detects my Nest Protects, and then I added homebridge to HA, via the HA native homekit controller. (it was detected automatically). I haven’t been able to check CO and Smoke alert, but presence detecting is working nicely.


Thanks for this info. Got my smoke sensors now into HA :slight_smile:
May I ask which one of the entities is the smoke and which one is the CO?
Guess I can test using some smoke and figure out which one is which.

Screen Shot 2021-08-30 at 4.48.46 pm

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I’ve renamed them, so not exactly sure, but i remember going into Homebridge → Acessories . There you find the sensors specified. And looking at the settings:


I was able to link one of the IDs to the entity in HA. Then I renamed them in HA as well, for easy identification, and adjusted the icons:

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Glad others have a working solution using homebridge.

When Google adds to the SDM API Smart Device Management API  |  Device Access  |  Google Developers we can add support for the nest component in home assistant.


Does this HomeBridge ----> Nest and Homebridge to HA integration still work? Can we see smoke and CO now within HA? Trying to figure out how to set this up with the token, Json file etc. If someone has an example of how you set it up, that would be great.

For me it is still working. Haven’t exploited them yet, due to lack of time, but I just checked that presence is immediatly detected, by HA.


Which authentication method do you use? I don’t have high hopes that Google will add Nest to the SDM API, so I am looking if I can port the Homebridge-Nest to Python, so we can use it in Home Assistant natively.

I just received my Nests, thus it will take some time. Do you use the Google Account method?

chrisjshull/homebridge-nest: Nest plugin for HomeBridge (

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I am still using the old (Nest?) authentication method.

Ok, I currently use the Google Account authentication (via refresh token). I just managed to pull the initial details from my Nest Protects via Python, thus I will see if I can start on the integration somewhere this / next week.


Please let me know if and how I can help to test.

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I am willing to help test out as well. I am just new to Home Assistant and getting familiar with it, but due to new building codes and a major reno, I have 6 wired Nest Protects that I would love to be able to leverage for automations and presence.

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Just ordered a Nest Protect 3-pack. Happy to help testing when you have an integration up and running.


Cool! I own the Nest Protect wired (2x) as well. Which features would you like to see in the integration?

I don’t use the HomeBridge version currently, but it seems that most interesting would be:

  • Heat detected
  • Smoke detected
  • CO detected
  • Occupancy (didn’t find this one yet, but should be there as well)

And if anyone here knows Python (or understands protobuf / grpc), feel free to ping me on Discord iMick#1903).

I configured them in Homebridge and they show Smoke and CO sensors for each. These are Nest Protect battery version.

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Sneak preview. Still a lot of work that has to be done, currently it will only pull the state when you start Home Assistant. I need to figure out how their ‘subscribe for data’ endpoint works…

And as a bonus, I added some other sensors (most will be disabled by default) where you can keep track of the config and have diagnostic state. And it will read the area from your Protect settings and configure that one in Home Assistant.