Support for RTC and NTP on Pi+HA Core

RaspBee II Overview says it has a battery.

I just found Integrate RaspBee 2 into Home Assistant - Robin Bühler and it has directions for enabling the RTC in HAOS. It works! I haven’t tested with a real power cut yet, but I see the rtc setting the time very early in the kernel boot.

where to add?

need any code ? and how much non rechargeable battery life ?

only the code u quoted above which is added to the config.txt file. where all dtparams go to

Thank you sir , I will try as well as your guide hardware and code and will update

Hello, I migrated my HA server from RPi 4B to RPi 5, for which I bought also dedicated RTC battery. How I may activate it in HA?

Hi all,
I have done all as it is described above but at the end cannot see RTC. Any hints what should I do? Board which I use is simmilar to ZS-042

➜ ~ modprobe i2c-bcm2708
modprobe: can’t change directory to ‘/lib/modules’: No such file or directory
➜ ~ ls /dev/i2c-*
/dev/i2c-0 /dev/i2c-1 /dev/i2c-10 /dev/i2c-22
➜ ~ hwclock -r
hwclock: can’t open ‘/dev/misc/rtc’: No such file or directory

I have the same issue with a DS3231 module made for the Pi. I can’t see the RTC.