I’m now on the chuangmi-hub-E7D1 net. Nmap returns this:
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-08-21 16:44 CEST
Nmap scan report for hodor.lan (
Host is up (0.0010s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
8000/tcp open http-alt
So, no luck yet… Regarding making jffs2 changes seems very risky since there seem to be many more files… At least the two above:
fs_107/etc/config/system: option model debug
fs_9/.system.uci-YE9eL1: option model ‘release’
So, I guess, somehow, the second one disables telnet since model is in release mode… I’m kind of stuck right now. I still wonder how comes that you can access the gw via telnet, since we seem to have same fw version (at least given their fw naming) and you are in release mode (i.e. led is solid blue).
Trick is mount on gw itself overlay partition: #mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock6 /overlay
#cd /overlay/etc/config/
#sed -i ‘s/release/debug/’ system
#umount /overlay
After this, do not press ‘f’ (enter failsafe mode over serial-to-usb), just wait for the blue, solid led. Then, login on gw wifi ap with the password extracted from the extracted overlay (see above post). Finally:
telnet, use root:admin.
Great, let’s now get this useful for hassio. @razmus: any progress here using mosquitto ?
Edit: Also the external gw ip is reachable by telnet, so this is done.
No updates that I have seen. @jandy and @rezmus are the initiators to perhaps make something work. @AlexxIT was amazing in his work on the ZNDMWG03LM Gateway. Maybe on the gateway for this CMSXJ11A something can be done?
Hopefully there will be some updates long the way.
Until then, stay safe!
Hey all, nice discussion, too bad that the topic is dead. Purchased 2 IMILAB EC2 (Global version, works in any region) cameras with gateway for purpuse of monitoring front and back of multi apartment building without the need of a wired connection. Works ok, battery needs to be charged about once a week, since its huge traffic outside. But it would be nice to get at least rtsp link in order to make Zone detection. This way battery will last about the same but with more features.
I tried to use that, but I seems it adds the gateway (chuangmi.gateway.ipc011) but after that there are no devices or entities added.
Let me know if anyone succeeded.