Support to Scene modes using Remotec ZRC-90

hello I need a help I followed your steps to use the remotec but I think I’m wrong something … because I can not find the services zwave.scene_activated then help me thanks a lot

I’m using these automations when the remotec is triggered: the device name is ‘scenecontroller_1’ in this example. (Where you’d use remotec_zrc90 from your screenshots). (Do note that my automations predate front-end entry unfortunately).

To me the last screenshot looks to be ok … it resembles the yaml below (that works on our system here).

Do you have access to your logs, because you should see the scene activation debug statements in OZW_log and homeassistant.log (see below)


  - id: remotec1button1
    alias: Do something when single pressing remotec button 1
    hide_entity: "True"
      - platform: event
        event_type: zwave.scene_activated
          entity_id: zwave.scenecontroller_1
          scene_id: 2
          scene_data: 0
      - service: input_select.select_option
          entity_id: input_select.livingroomlights
          option: "Light the living"

OZW example

2018-08-04 10:24:43.907 Info, Node038, Received Central Scene set from node 38: scene id=5 in 0 seconds. Sending event notification.
2018-08-04 10:24:43.907 Detail, Node038, Initial read of value
2018-08-04 10:24:43.907 Detail, Node038, Notification: ValueChanged
2018-08-04 10:24:45.509 Detail, Node038,   Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x26, 0x03, 0x80, 0x03, 0x52, 0x06


2018-08-04 10:24:43 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event zwave.scene_activated[L]: entity_id=zwave.scenecontroller_2, node_id=38, scene_id=5, scene_data=0>

yes but in the list of my services i must have zwave.scene_activated?

I only have that in automation, with in the services (under dev) I don’t have it, as you ‘control’ things from their afaik and not listen to things. The services depict things you can control, the scene_activated is part of events that happen. So if you want to emulate that use the 3rd icon in the dev section, from their you can fire events?

i sorry sorry sorry but i don’t understand the mistake
this is my xml

this is my zwave log when i press the button

and this is the automation
but it not funcion :crazy_face::crazy_face: where is the mistake thanks

I don’t see much wrong in there unfortunately, but two tiny things to remark:

  • In the zwave XML file you have request_flags=“4” instead of “5” on my configuration in your command-class 91
  • Your automation shows scene_id ‘3’ and your button-press (from OZW) shows scene ‘1’

If you search on “node_id=21” in your home-assistant.log does it show the scene_activated?

is this?

Did you manage to get it working?

no i see the command in log but it don’t do nothing

Did you

  • stop zwave / or stop hass
  • change the zwave XML file you have request_flags=“4” instead of “5” on my configuration in your command-class 91
  • start zwave / restart hass

Not sure if that matters, but it might.

Additionally your last screenshot (still) shows scene activated = 1 where your automation showed triggering on scene 3. If you press button 3 (with 3 dots) does it show scene_id=1 in the log? Or did you press button 1?

I’ve created this script to fix the zwcfg file to support the scene events from Remotec ZRC-90. It works perfectly. In the same GitHub directory, there’s a file automations.yaml with automation examples. This deprecates my old script ( that tailed the log and injected custom events.


This sounds great! Are you willing to describe the process in more detail to a newbie? Not how to install SSH, but more were to put the file, how to run it, test, etc. This would be much appreciated, Thanks.

The file should be already there. It’s called something like zwcfg_0x1234abcd.xml. Stop Home Assistant, copy the file somewhere else, run my script on it, and put the resulting file back, then restart Home Assistant.

Once you start Home Assistant, wait for the event zwave.network_ready, which means the network is ready to process events, etc. Try different buttons on the Remotec and you should see distinct events for each one of them.

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You can see this in the HASS interface. Under configuration, zwave, OZW log. Just choose # last log lines to be small (eg 100) and refresh the log directly after you have pressed the buttons. You will see the scne number there

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There is a lot info in this topic…
What is the right thing to do to get this working on hass?


Many thanks, this worked for me.

For those looking for clues, use the script indicated above by mfdutra - or follow the instructions in these posts.

I do try this.
But how to stop HA temporarly?

You should be able to also ‘stop’ the network, go to settings, zwave and than stop zwave - edit - than start again

Then the changes are there also after restart HA?
Or do I have to change constantly?