Switch to control AppDaemon Scripts or persist Input_boolean

Hey guys -

I am writing an AppDaemon script for an alarm clock that will control my lights and will simulate light transitions on a platform that does not support native transitions (ISY). I have the logic working and the transition works well; however, what I want to do is create a dummy switch that my AppDaemon script can poll to see if it should run or not… So, my first thought (ok, 2nd?) was an input_boolean; however, they do not appear to persist their state - so a reboot or restart would break this… So not what I need. Is there a better “AppDaemon” way to do this or is there a way to persist the state of an input_boolean

…and of course, if there is a better way to do this, please suggest

AFAIK input_boolean does persist across hass restarts.


Hmm. This is not working for me. I tested multiple times last night w/o success and I have recorder enabled. I normally use Influx, so I tried today with and without influx and no difference. From what I can tell, no other config is required outside of recorder - but maybe I’m wrong? I also found this Announcement: AppDaemon 1.3.4 which tries to accomplish the same thing, but I have not tested it.

I would much prefer a native method than relying on another AppDaemon script. Can anyone else test on 0.46 and see if restore _state is working?

Originally, persistence only worked with the default DB. I’m not not sure if that is still the case or not.