Switch to DISABLE generic_thermostat

How can I create switch to DISABLE generic thermostat. I meant actually disable it, not call service: climate.turn_off

Reasons behind:

  1. I have 2 differen generic thermostats for the same room using different sensors (air temperature sensor and floor temperature sensor). Sometimes I care just about room temperature (and floor could remain cold since hot air comes also from fireplace next room) and sometimes I need warm floor (electric floor heating) no matter air temperature. If I set one termostat to OFF and set temperature in another, sometimes it just switches also another off, since first one is off.

  2. I some rooms I want to ignore thermostat settings and control heater manually. If I set thermostat to off, it keeps me switching the heater off too.

I know I can achieve this also by raising and lovering set temperature, but I do not want this. I want just simple switch to enable or disable the thermostat (currently I can disable it only by commenting out the code in configuration).

Yes, what you describe will happen as the thermostat will try to push the switch into the expected state.

What you may have to do is create two switch templates and have the thermostat turn these on/off. Inside of the switch template you’ll add logic to determine if it should do nothing or if it should turn the real switch on/off based on an external value like an input_boolean that indicates the heating mode.

Thanks for response, but that would complicate the things and I am not sure if will cover all cases.

So there is no way just to disable thermostat?

Lots of hits if you searched:

Or roll your own:

I searched a lot, but all explanations are just about switching the termostat off.

I have seen “Spook” and this one looks promissing

But the whole integration looks quite suspicious :slight_smile:

Frenck is one of the lead developers of HA – so make of that what you will.

Of course, use all third party stuff at own risk.

Either way, you have multiple ways of doing what you want. You asked to disable a thermostat, and the answer is you can disable any entity.

I have no idea what will happen if you have a script or automation that references such an entity. It will probably cause errors. In that case, you’ll need extra logic anyway (and more spook) to check the status of an entity.

It will at that point be much easier to rather have e.g. an input_boolean to state whether you want the specific thermostat controlled or not, and check the the input_boolean's state in your automations.

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Thank you. I didn’t even check who developped Spook :slight_smile:
Yes, I plan to combine it with input_boolean also for some other reasons. Thank you, I will try and report here so we will have written what was working solutio for me

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