Switcher V2 All In One Full Control

Hi Tomer

Great work, It works like a charm now, Thx alot , appreciate it.

Would it be possible to implement the power consumption in the GUI?


Again, sorry for the late response.
Perhaps you can try the history_graph component.
Maybe you’ll have to first create a couple of template sensors representing the values from the device attributes:

{{ states.switcher_aio.control_device_switch.attributes.current_power_consumption }}
{{ states.switcher_aio.control_device_switch.attributes.electric_current }}

Hi tomer

great project! most of the controll works perfecllty, except for the timer minutes selection wihch i recive a message “Failed to call service input_select/select_option”

can you please look for this one? :pray:

Thank for the feedback. :slight_smile:

The component is using the input_select component’s select_option service,
yet it does nothing to load the input_select component, it just assumes the component is already initialized.

I’m guessing you don’t have any input_select entities in your configuration, which means the the select_option service doesn’t exists.

Maybe try and configure a dummy Input Select entity, restart and see if the issue is fixed.

I’m currently working on a new and better component for controlling Switcher.
I will update as soon as I can.

Hi @TomerFi
Great project! Thank you for making this.
I implemented this component inside the hassio and everything work great. I just have one question:
Is it possible to ass it to the Home app on the iPhone?


Can anybody confirm/refute that this component/domain works with the new Switcher Touch product?

Also, there are two components here: “Switcher V2 Boiler Support” and “Switcher-AIO”
I get that one is a switch and the other is a domain, so does one install both, or just the AIO? The delineation of features is not clear (to me) in the documentation.

I don’t believe it’ll work with the new Switcher Touch,
But I’d love to be corrected.

For now, please use the switcher_aio component only.
Very soon there’s is going to be a new component that will deprecate the old one.
Until then, switcher_aio is the way to go.

Thanks for the swift reply.

I can confirm that this isn’t compatible with the Touch. I hope it can be reverse engineered again, but I suspect (from the packets I sniffed) that the touch’s authentication uses an end to end VPN solution, though the telemetry seems to be in unencoded python.

Since there’s a Google Home component I can use voice to activate/deactivate (switch) but no timer command (eg “turn on for 30 minutes”), unfortunately.

I hope the new version will support the touch units, but thanks anyway.

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I’m using the switcher_aio component with Switcher Touch and everything is working correctly.
Do note that the script for getting the device password got a wrong password on the first try, I could see the status with switcher_aio, but couldn’t control the device, on the 2nd attempt to get the password I got a correct password (which only one digit different than the wrong one…)

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Any thoughts about the new Switcher Touch device?


Not really, I don’t have one, But I know of few people who have it and successfully used it with the script Aviad and I published.

If someone is experiencing issues with the new switcher it would be helpful if he can provide access so we can debug the issue and see if there are any major changes that may affect the operation of the script.

Well… my component is based on the script you guys made, so that means it should work with the new device as well.

Which is cool because that probably means the new Switcher component I PR’d to HA will work with the new device too.
It’s based on the PyPi module I made aioswitcher, which is of course also based on your script.


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Hi Tomer, is there and option to define the entities properly in new lovelace UI (using yaml)?
For example for turn on and off I was able to solve it by creating custom template switch, this way:

    friendly_name: Boiler
    icon_template: mdi:thermostat-box
    value_template: "{{ is_state('switcher_aio.control_device_switch', 'on') }}"
        service: switcher_aio.turn_on
            entity_id: switcher_aio.control_device_switch 
        service: switcher_aio.turn_off
            entity_id: switcher_aio.control_device_switch

But what about “switcher_aio.timer_minutes_input_select” and “switcher_aio.turn_on_timer_script”?
If I just add them as entities, they will look as below and I have to do additional click on them for the pop-up to be opened and then I can use them.


Thanks in advance.


I have switcher v2 firmware 3.0
discover option works fine but extract option doesn’t work
I am getting

[ <em>] Waiting for broadcast from Switcher device...
[</em> ] Sending Login Packet to Switcher...
[+] Received SessionID: 00000000

Then the next stage fails with

[+] Press the "Enter" key to continue...
[*] Waiting for a valid Phone ID Packet...
[!] Failed to get data, Please try again!

Thank you

I actually haven’t switched to lovelace yet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think I read somewhere this might happen and you should try running the script a couple of more times.
But I’m not sure, maybe try the GitHub repo issues for that.

Hi Tomer,
I actually managed to overcome this issue with almost all the entities and to have a working UI in Lovelace without additional pop-ups.

This is known issue. Just run the script again, it will give you same password with one digit change. This is the correct password.

Can you please share code?