In other Home Automation systems, if I manually flip a ZWave switch, or turn a light on, that change would get communicated back to the system (perhaps after a small delay), specifically the switch item for the device I would expect to change to reflect the updated state. This does not seem to happen in Home Assistant - is there something I can change to make this work, or is it a known limitation?
I have experimented with polling_interval and polling_intensity but it hasn’t made any difference to this.
Are you watching the HASS logs? I would be surprised if the state is not sent back to HASS. I have some open/close sensors and I know when I open/close them, I can see the status changing in the logs.
If it’s showing up in the logs, but not in the front end, then we can probably figure out how to fix that…
Hmm, a quick check of the logs show no evidence of ZWave devices reporting state - I see many other sensor types, but no ZWave. I have mostly switches and dimmers, but I do have a motion sensor I am just setting up and I don’t see anything form that either - I can see devices being discovered and apart from this aspect control is working flawlessly - way better than with my SmartThings setup.
So per your comments above I guess I could have an issue with my OpenZWave setup - I’ll have a look, but would gratefully accept any troubleshooting steps any one may have!
Well I have my Multisensor 6 hooked up and it is reporting information in a timely fashion, so I can only assume that my switches are either incapable of, or not setup to report state back to the controller. They are all Linears, either switches or dimmers and all scene capable so I would think they should be able to report state back if required.
Despite the above, I would think that the new state would get picked up by a poll eventually but this does not seem to happen either.
Isolate the issue. Will the multi-sensor report back to open-zwave-control-panel when events are triggered?
It might be that the sensor is also not configured for Hail style updates. I know the type of updates my window/door sensors were configured for would only trigger after I put the device into a programming mode. I was able to get the instant updates by changing the type of report the device sends. This was accomplished with open-zwave-control-panel.
I am seeing something similar. I have several switches and sensors, but my one dimmer switch (GE model 12724) that HA does not update the status of if I manually turn off the switch. I’m wondering if HA does not recognize it is off because it is changing a level (Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=26) and not a binary state.
I did capture both the HA logs and z-wave logs for the same period if that could help shed light.