Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo

Thanks a lot. Will reconfigure. I have a satellite raspberry PI with ZWaveJS UI in a separate house and wanted to collect all devices through MQTT for convenience.

Anyone else getting this warning recently?

## Ring Keypad Automations uses an unknown service

The automation "Ring Keypad Automations" (`automation.ring_keypad_automations`) has an action that calls an unknown service: `zwave_js.set_value`.

No, it’s working normally for me on 2023.4.6. Did the ZwaveJS integration get disabled or removed from your system?

This one?

Z-Wave JS UI
Current version: 1.11.2

That’s the add-on. Remember that you need both an add-on (ZwaveJS UI or ZwaveJS Server), which talks to the hardware, and the ZwaveJS integration which is configured on the Integrations page and is responsible for actually creating the device entries and services in Home Assistant. It sounds like you’re missing the latter.

That’ll be my problem then :slight_smile:
Failed to connect: Cannot connect to host core-zwave-js:3000 ssl:default [Name does not resolve]

Yup, that’s your issue. For the ZWaveJS UI add-on, the correct url should be ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000

All sorted now, thanks!

@ImSorryButWho - Thank you for the great blueprint! This made it so easy to hook up alarmo to the Ring keypad.


Thanks very much to @OftenPerplexed, who pointed out privately that traces from this blueprint could store users’ alarm codes in plaintext, which is a bad security practice. I’ve edited the blueprint to disable traces, and would strong suggest re-installing the blueprint and deleting and re-creating the automation, to ensure that any old traces are deleted.

Note that to view trace logs, an attacker would need administrative access to your Home Assistant interface. But, if this is a concern to you, please consider changing your alarm codes.

I apologize deeply for the oversight.


:+1: massive respect, perfect response, and astounding fix time! :muscle:

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Mad respect! Kudos to you!

Absolutely love this blueprint, thank you for the work on it @ImSorryButWho !

One question, is there any way to make the “Entry Delay Countdown” announcement louder on the keypad? In our house the keypad is away from one of our doors and it would be nice if I could more obviously hear it on entry…

The announcement volume is controlled by configuration parameter 4 on the keypad. I believe it defaults to 7, but can go up to 10. You should be able to adjust it in the configure page off the device page in home assistant.

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Is it possible to use two key pads?

Just instantiate the blueprint twice. Works just fine.


Can confirm this at my house. Works perfect for more than 6 months!

Thanks for this amazing blueprint!
I have noticed that after the alarm goes from triggered back to armed after the Trigger time has passed. The keypad doesn’t keep the alarm button red to indicate there has been an alarm. So I have no indication that there was an alarm prior to arriving home. Could you make the button stay on? I’m talking about the button left to number 1.

The goal of this blueprint is just to reflect the current state of the Alarmo panel at the keypad. Trying to add an additional state machine on top of that seems like a potential source for bugs, since Alarmo would no longer be the the definitive source of truth for what the state shown on the keypad should be.

The cleanest way I can think to do this would be to ask Alarmo to add an option to disable automatically leaving the triggered state entirely. Or you’re of course welcome to take this code and build on top of it to do what makes sense for your system.

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I have added a smoke detector to alarmo and when it triggers it fires the normal alarm and not the fire / environmental alarm. Could you add this to the blueprint so it calls for that instead when smoke is detected? When I make this as an automation it doesn’t work as the alarmo fires the normal alarm and the automation is not able to call the fire alarm mode for the keypad. When I disable the sensor in alarmo the automation works but alarmo doesn’t know there is an alarm and the nottifications don’t trigger and the alarmo status shows no alarms.

service: zwave_js.set_value
  command_class: "135"
  property_key: "1"
  value: 1
  endpoint: "0"
  property: "14"
  entity_id: sensor.keypad_v2_charging_status

I have requested the feature to make a difference for environmental alarms in alarmo (Different alert for environment / fire alarms ¡ Issue #775 ¡ nielsfaber/alarmo ¡ GitHub)