Table on front-end

Hi didn’t get around to it yet, many projects! Did you try?

Not yet, will definitely be giving it a go as i have exactly the same issue as you have with the presentation of the train times.

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I gave it a go, couldn’t get it working though :frowning: Just came up as a badge on each screen.

Got a screenshot?

I now actually have somewhat the same need, for my crypto currency tracker.
I tried my solution with the Brainy Table, but due to how Polymer is imported in that library, it can’t be used.
Right now, I’ve did it with a generic table in my instance, you can see a screenshot of a first version below:

As you can see, this is stil quite ugly, but it’s a start, I’ll be adding more columns and styling soon.
My code and data structure are not on my GitHub yet, but this is the gist off it:

<dom-module id="state-card-crypto_profit">
        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{stateObj.attributes.coins}}">

  is: 'state-card-crypto_profit',
  properties: {
    hass: {
      type: Object,
    stateObj: {
      type: Object,

As you can see, I use stateObj.attributes.coins as items input, that’s because my attributes looks like this:

  "friendly_name": "Crypto Profit",
  "invested": 1331.8246080099339,
  "coins": [
      "price": 169.58,
      "token": "ETH",
      "initial": 97.00788288200002,
      "amount": 0.5720479,
      "current": 172.67650317100487
      "price": 199.26,
      "token": "ETH",
      "initial": 386.7958026306,
      "amount": 1.94116131,
      "current": 585.9525873648814
      "price": 36.1,
      "token": "LTC",
      "initial": 500.010928825,
      "amount": 13.85071825,
      "current": 709.1397096620267
      "price": 0.49365,
      "token": "IOT",
      "initial": 48.009993680502,
      "amount": 97.25512748,
      "current": 66.559968834741
      "price": 0.2629219997,
      "token": "XEM",
      "initial": 99.99999998673373,
      "amount": 380.340938,
      "current": 89.46357535877377
      "price": 8.888229975,
      "token": "PART",
      "initial": 200.0000000050983,
      "amount": 22.501668,
      "current": 194.80125252248922
  "total": 1818.593596913917,
  "unit_of_measurement": "EUR",
  "custom_ui_state_card": "crypto_profit"

For this to work I needed to add this sensor in a group, so keep that in mind as well :wink:

EDIT: Updated version:

Actually pretty quick and dirty, just playing with some CSS classes:

  table {
    width: 100%;
  tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #dddddd;
  td, th {
    text-align: left;

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{stateObj.attributes.coins}}">

Nice! This looks ideal for displaying the train data

Any chance of getting this up on github with a README of instructions? Be great to get this up!

I currently have my repo located here:

I don’t have a lot of documentation/readme’s updated right now.
The basic gist of it:

I’ve named my sensor crypto_profit, added it to a group (needed to display the sensor in a card), set customize on the sensor entry (not the group).
The name I’ve used for my file is state-card-crypto_profit, so my customize entry looks like this:

  custom_ui_state_card: crypto_profit

As you can see in the html file (www/custom_ui/), the id on the dom-module, is the same as the filename, as well as the identifier in the Polymer code.

I hope this covers the most basic setup, you can remove the table from the HTML code, and put anything random (like ‘Hello World!’), to test if the custom UI is being picked up.

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Thanks for the post, have made a promising start, although needs some tweaking!
Docs for this platform and here the attribute next_trains is a list of upcoming train, each of which has attributes origin_name etc. So my goal is to have each item in next_trains in a different row, with attributes displayed in the columns.

For whatever reason, the table is only showing two attributes, and also putting upcoming trains across the table, rather than down the table. I’m a newb to CSS so appreciate any tips :slight_smile:


        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{stateObj.attributes.next_trains}}">

Missing Table Rows:

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{stateObj.attributes.next_trains}}">
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Looks identical to what I posted or am I missing something…? :thinking:

EDIT: needed the

Missing two tiny tags

<tr> </tr>

(Table Row)

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I must be still missing something since I see:


<dom-module id="state-card-uk_transport">

      table {
        width: 100%;
      tr:nth-child(even) {
        background-color: #dddddd;
      td, th {
        text-align: left;

      <b>Next_train:</b> {{round(stateObj.state)}}

        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{stateObj.attributes.next_trains}}">

  is: 'state-card-uk_transport',

  properties: {
    hass: {
      type: Object,

    stateObj: {
      type: Object,


Your </tr> closing tag is incorrect, you’ve got it as a second opening tag (<tr>)

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also, in jinja2 that should be:

{{ stateObj.state | round }}

I think

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Hmm still not looking correct for me, any chance you can take at look on

That all looks okay, is it loading the file correctly?
I had to clear it in Chrome via this method for changes to appear a couple of times.:

F12 -> Network -> (find statecard-xxxxxxxxx in the Name) -> Right Click -> Clear Browser Cache

In ‘Sources’ you can see URL / local / custom_ui / state-card-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx too which shows you which file has been loaded.

Here you go, example config based on my setup with abit of additional formatting to the table.

OK after I cleared the browser cache all looks in order :slight_smile:
If I stick the table on the my main view, half of the table gets cutoff. I wonder if there is a way to force the front end to display the whole width of the table?

I’m not sure if that’s possible, since HA uses standard sizes for the cards.
I need a bigger card myself, but haven’t found how to do it yet, I might go with a custom panel for it.