🔥 🌡️Tado Offset adjustment (Zigbee thermometers, Start/End times, Switch for only when HEAT)

Is anyone aware of any downsides to setting the interval really short (~2mins) ? I have a few rooms where the sensors drift very quickly at certain times of day.

Only real and painful downside is that each time you trigger an offset update, the valve closes and opens again and this kills battery lifetime.
I have valves in my house where I need to replace batteries each week approximately due to this. I cannot set a too wide timeframe otherwise I would have too much delta between real and valve temperature so…as long as Tado keeps this behavour, I guess we won’t be able to update our offset too often.

:rocket: UPDATE: 4.0

Bug fixes:
- Offset calibration interval from min:1 to min:10 minutes

New features:

Don’t forget to re-download this blueprint to update your local file!