Tado set offset using separate temperature sensor

Hey all,
I have a question. How does this work if you use TADO´s external room sensors ? They do the same but just in the tado app. They get exposed to HA without sensors. Does this mean that the tado valves do in this case already consider the external sensor and send these value to HA upfront ?
Thanks all !

I think you forgot one more adjustment in your automation. In the variables, actual_temp still contains a dedicated sensor. Shouldn’t that also be a state_attr with entity_proxy and 'current_temperature'?

If I use your adjustments, the schedules of tado° also no longer work. I have found the scheduler component in HACS.


I actually totally forgot about the schedules from tado because I’ve never used them. I’m controlling mine with the scheduler component from the beginning :laughing:

That is correct. You can define in the tado° app under Settings - Rooms & Devices for each room which device is the (temperature) measuring one. If you have external smart thermostats from tado°, you should also use them to measure the temperature instead of the smart radiator thermostats, as they are more accurate and can be placed freely in the room.

Thanks for the automation Xitee! Now that the heating season is coming I’m going to try it out and see how it goes.
One question, what is the purpose of adding the -5°C offset in Tado App? Can it be left at 0? Thank you

The purpose is to prevent heating problems and be able to set a higher target temperature. Tado’s limit is 25°C if I remember it correctly, which should be enough for most normal use cases. But the problem we are having is that Tado’s internal temp sensor shows (way) to high values. So if the temp is actually 21°C, Tado’s internal temp could show 25°C. Then we are no longer to heat because the max target temp that we can set is 25°C. With the offset, it would however think that it’s only 20°C and with a target temp of 25°C the thermostat will still heat.

So, you can leave it at 0, but you might experience heating issues if you set a high target temp (> ~24°C) and/or your tado temperature readings are way off.

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To prevent the thermostats to open and close the valve every few seconds/minutes, I want to set the offset for example every hour.
Is this possible with your blueprint?

Thanks to ChatGPT I could help myself.

- platform: time_pattern
  hours: "/1"

Doesnt this mess with Tado’s PID? is the algoritme still maintaint

Almost a year since @Xitee shared his solution and we are amidst the heating season. I tried out the proposed solution, but find my valves non-responsive.
I am trying to debug, but it seems that ever since implementing the proxy-thermostat the Tado valve doens’t respond or react to the service-calls anymore. So I am thinking:

  • Is there a limit to API-calls?
  • Is @Xitee’s based on using the home-kit integration instead of the regular Tado-integration?
  • Has the API changed over the past year?

Is this solution still working for ya’ll?

I’m using the homekit integration with local control. A few months back I bought a eurotronic thermostat that has a direct valve control and replaced the tado with it.
But since my Tado didn’t have have internet access it should still work.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I am afraid I can’t switch to the homekit integration, as I also use the main thermostat (not the valve) for the entire house.

Thank you, I going to give a try.

What do you think about Better Thermostat from HACS? Have you tried?

Hey, I’m about to get in the same boat here, just fitted my house with TRVs in almost all radiators and realized the temps are way off. I haven’t tried the offset adjustment automations but I think they wouldn’t work for me due to the constant noise nuisance. Where are you at with this now, did you switch to using the homekit integration? I wonder if one could use homekit to control some TRVs while at the same time keep using the cloud integration for the living room where I have a tado thermostat, plus keep my home/away and window detection automations working.

I just ended up buying separate Tado thermostats for most of my rooms, picking them up cheap when there were offers or on eBay.
None of the offset approaches worked smoothly or reliably enough.

I’ve worked my way through this with a blueprint and some SNZB-02D sensors. I now have a light, yet powerful way to manage offsets for my valves without spending too much for a single thermometer from Tado. Offset script will kick in only when a certain difference of temperature is registered between the valve and the zigbee thermometer.

Can you share your code as that sounds ideal for what i need

Here you can use my blueprint!

Thanks for your generosity @dllfpp … I have added your blueprint and created an automation, but it doesn’t seem to be adjusting the offset. There are no faults in the trace… can you assist me with this at all? thanks

What do you see from traces?
Find one that looks like this:

And see what is its step details just under:

I am using my same blueprint from the community and everything is working correctly.