Take a sensor and use it to set the upper bounds of a mini graph card

i am trying to get a graph to show what layer it is current working on compared to the total layers in a 3d print

 type: custom:mini-graph-card
 hours_to_show: 0.5
   class: middle-left
   - entity: sensor.v3ke_current_layer
 upper_bound: {{ states(sensor.v3ke_total_layer) }}
 points_per_hour: 240
   labels: true
 name: KE Current Layer

when i use that it saves it as this:

  "[object Object]": null

is there anyway i can get that sensor to be used on the card?

Templates are not supported for options in mini-graph-card.
A possible way could be using a card supporting templates like config-template-card etc.
Suggest to ask all related questions on the dedicated thread instead of creating new threads.