Tapo P110 Energy Monitor not working

So just to summarise the tapo P110 is now working fine with HA AND uses local polling? Is that right?
If I understand correctly you need the app to initially set it up but not after that?

Yes, I have it set up the way you described.

Hi guys,

today arrived my P110. I’ve set it up as described above.

You even can adjust the update interval of the energy readings to your needs.

Blocked the internet access via the router and so far everything is working as expected.

Nice product for around 15€.

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Comperato ieri il Tapo P110 e configurato con Alexa. Mi serve solo per capire da remoto se in casa manca la corrente. Provato stamattina, ma non dà alcun messaggio. Suggerimenti? Grazie

Hi all. I am new to Tapo plugs but have been using HA for a number of years.

Have just set up my first P110. It is working fine, but can I ask what the rationale is for blocking internet access from it? Is it to prevent future OTA firmware updates from breaking functionality (e.g.local control)? When I block it, energy monitoring stops working (switch control is OK though). However, others have posted here that all is OK in this state. It seems to be possible to disable automatic firmware updates in the Tapo app, so I would like to understand the possible implications of blocking internet access, which I’m not sure is necessary.

Many thanks.

From what I’ve read in this thread elsewhere you have to give them NTP access (pool.ntp.org) and DNS access to look that up (you can handle both things locally with some DHCP & DNS config

As to why you would want to block internet access from them, there’s a few reasons I know of

  1. Security - IoT devices are notorious for having poor security and not getting regular security patches, especially after a few years

  2. Privacy

  3. Yes, to stop software updates that might break functionality (and yes this one is at odds with #1)

  4. A simple philosophical view - people want to be able to buy, own, and use something without it relying on a third party who’s watching everything you do. A third party that might just disappear, or be acquired and shut down etc

  5. Not relying on internet access for your home automation so things keeps working when your internet is out

Just got my first Tapo devices yesterday, and sad to see that Matter doesn’t support energy monitoring yet (the Matter setup was so easy). Going to try the HACS integration tonight