Tasmota Connection Failed

time for tasmota at stock config comes from pool.ntp.org and as a backdrop nl.pool.ntp.org, there is a 3rd but I dont recall the exact details

you can however easily set your own with

ntpserver1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or DNS address

from the console

in Germany the following is a good setting, copy paste to the console:

backlog ntpserver1 fritz.box; ntpserver2 ptbtime1.ptb.de; ntpserver3 de.pool.ntp.org

fritz.box points to the famous AVM routers, they do provide time services in the local net and get it from the vDSL infrastructure. I personally run my own time server, as I want my time from ptbtime1.ptb.de, the Physikalische Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig, the master clock in Germany, and I cant make the FritzBox get its time from PTB.

regarding your problem, you could take a backup from a similar device and store it for testing purpose onto the one with the connection troubles. that will show you if its a setting thing on the tasmota side.

I had a nous A1 smart plug that did not want to reconnect to wifi, until I found that I had only added one of my dedicated networks, and this one was just out of reach where the plug was used. sometimes its simple things like this, that keep you guessing for days.

Cheers Manne

Tried to restore the configuration from another switch. That didn’t work. Then I tried to reset the switch. Now I get an alternating blue / red flashing light and I can’t connect to it to flash new firmware. It’s a “gosung” switch / plug. Do you happen to know the sequence required to get it into flash mode?

So you can’t reach it at ?

Try this

I believe it’s disconnecting/connecting it 3-5 times from the power until it starts to flash.

did you set static ip in the one that provided the backup? If so, you may now have two units with the same IP address, and that scews up your network, to fix it: disconect the one providing the backup and plug in the trouble one, then try to reach it on the ip of the one providing the backup.

otherwise, thake the advice from @dexstar


Okay, I used Joerg method and was able to reset the device and get back into it via a browser. So I now know that I can connect to it via wifi. Here is the info before MQTT has been configured. I have it in my notes that my next step should be to upgrade the firmware. Should I go ahead with the upgrade?

00:00:00 CFG: Loaded from flash at FA, Count 26
00:00:00 QPC: Count 1
00:00:00 Project tasmota Tasmota Version 8.5.0(tasmota)-2_7_4_1
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 IoT in mode 11N as Gosund_Plug_1…
00:00:06 QPC: Reset
00:00:07 WIF: Connected
00:00:07 HTP: Web server active on Gosund_Plug_1 with IP address
15:10:50 RSL: tele/tasmota_25BFE5/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff Basic”,“Version”:“8.5.0(tasmota)”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/DVES_25BFE5_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“cmnd/tasmotas/”}
15:10:50 RSL: tele/tasmota_25BFE5/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“Gosund_Plug_1”,“IPAddress”:“”}
15:10:50 RSL: tele/tasmota_25BFE5/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
15:10:50 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
15:10:50 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/POWER = OFF
15:10:54 RSL: tele/tasmota_25BFE5/STATE = {“Time”:“2022-03-02T15:10:54”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:14”,“UptimeSec”:14,“Heap”:28,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:0,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“IoT”,“BSSId”:“E6:63:DA:A4:73:19”,“Channel”:1,“RSSI”:76,“Signal”:-62,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:08”}}
15:11:34 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
15:11:34 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/POWER = ON
15:11:35 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
15:11:35 RSL: stat/tasmota_25BFE5/POWER = OFF

Yes, just go for it. You always can set it back again if necessary.
Might happend that a minimal FW is loaded first. In that case “upgrade” again.

So now I have two gosund plugs that can’t communicate with home assistant via MQTT (I think that’s what’s happening). Both have their firmware upgraded to 9.1.0 but will not upgraded to the latest release; 11.0

The console shows = rc -2 = rc -5

Network issue and your MQTT details are incorrect

Can you share a screenshot of you mqtt settings?

Thanks for the help.

Note: I have a mixture of gosund and topgreener switches all on the same network with the same MQTT settings (different topics). I say about 12 of the 14 switches are operating correctly. So far only these are the only two that are failing.

lookes good to me, here are mine

youre sure your credentials mqttuserand **** are right, right?

why would they not update to 11? is there anything in the wiki. what gosund do you have? the SP111?

strike that down, dump me could not read your picture right, you got a WP5

Share a screenshot also from the Configure MQTT option.

First thing I would try.

In the Topic section, try simplifying the device names, eg gosund1, gosund2 and see if that helps. I’m not sure if you can use the " . " character :thinking: Also, do you have another SSID you can try connecting your devices to ? Tasmota gives you an option to add a 2nd one.

So you have 14 WiFi plugs, how many WiFi devices would you have in total? Your standard ISP router will only support around 24 before you run into issues. There are many questions, but not knowing your entire setup, it can be difficult to troubleshoot.

rc 5 is incorrect MQTT credentials, so check and double check you don’t have a typo somewhere.

I dont see why this would be an issue if he can connect to the plug by tasmota web UI. Seams the routing is working just fine, if your not sure, ping from HA command line the tasmota plug and from tasmota console the HA server (edit: the tasmota has in standard config no ping capability).

Anyhow, I have a home style DSL router that is handling way more than 255 ip clients on a /16 net. And I dont know of any half recent hardware with the limitations your describing.

You are lucky then, once I went over my limit, I had the same …trying to connect…retrying in… error. Adding a WAP and assigning another SSID fixed my issues and it has been rock solid ever since.

Well, I just found out that pinging from a tasmota isnt the easiest thing. ping is not activated by default… so strike that.

And indeed I remember some older routers having problems managing more than a bunch of IP clients via dhcp, that should not be an issue if you set static ip.

This goes on tasmota with ‘ipaddress1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ form console

However since the device is accessible via web UI I dont think thats the issue here.

what gets me a bit flabbergasted, is the wp5 not going to the 11 firmware. the update routine from 8 something worked just fine on my nous A1 wich is basically the same smart plug inside.

My whole network is Ubiquiti.

HA is set up as a virtual machine on a Proxmox server.

I can ping and the newly assigned static IP of from the HA terminat at

Check out the console print out. First there’s and rc -2 then it connects to HA and the entity is recognize. So what does this prove? Hopefully it will stay connected!

19:50:41 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
19:50:52 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:50:52 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
19:51:03 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:51:03 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
19:51:14 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:51:14 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
19:51:25 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:51:25 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
19:51:36 MQT: Attempting connection…
19:51:36 MQT: Connected
19:51:36 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/LWT = Online (retained)
19:51:36 MQT: cmnd/switch_gosund_plug_1/POWER =
19:51:36 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Gosund-WP5”,“Version”:“9.1.0(tasmota)”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/DVES_25BFE5_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“cmnd/tasmotas/”}
19:51:36 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“Gosund_Plug_1”,“IPAddress”:“”}
19:51:36 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
19:51:36 MQT: stat/switch_gosund_plug_1/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
19:51:36 MQT: stat/switch_gosund_plug_1/POWER = OFF
19:51:37 MQT: homeassistant/switch/25BFE5_RL_1/config = {“name”:“Sun_Room”,“stat_t”:“tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/STATE”,“avty_t”:“tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“cmd_t”:“cmnd/switch_gosund_plug_1/POWER”,“val_tpl”:"{{value_json.POWER}}",“pl_off”:“OFF”,“pl_on”:“ON”,“uniq_id”:“25BFE5_RL_1”,“dev”:{“ids”:[“25BFE5”]}} (retained)
19:51:37 MQT: homeassistant/sensor/25BFE5_status/config = {“name”:“Tasmota status”,“stat_t”:“tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/HASS_STATE”,“avty_t”:“tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“json_attr_t”:“tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/HASS_STATE”,“unit_of_meas”:"%",“val_tpl”:"{{value_json[‘RSSI’]}}",“ic”:“mdi:information-outline”,“uniq_id”:“25BFE5_status”,“dev”:{“ids”:[“25BFE5”],“name”:“Tasmota”,“mdl”:“Gosund-WP5”,“sw”:“9.1.0(tasmota)”,“mf”:“Tasmota”}} (retained)
19:51:40 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/STATE = {“Time”:“2022-03-02T19:51:40”,“Uptime”:“0T00:02:54”,“UptimeSec”:174,“Heap”:26,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:1,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“IoT”,“BSSId”:“E6:63:DA:A4:73:19”,“Channel”:1,“RSSI”:56,“Signal”:-72,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:03”}}
19:52:30 MQT: tele/switch_gosund_plug_1/STATE = {“Time”:“2022-03-02T19:52:30”,“Uptime”:“0T00:03:44”,“UptimeSec”:224,“Heap”:26,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:1,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“IoT”,“BSSId”:“E6:63:DA:A4:73:19”,“Channel”:1,“RSSI”:58,“Signal”:-71,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:03”}}
19:52:30 MQT: stat/switch_gosund_plug_1/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
19:52:30 MQT: stat/switch_gosund_plug_1/POWER = OFF

well, thats wired, the only thing I see is an intermediate wifi connection issue.

have you been in the console while this rc2 happend? did it update right away, or did you return to the browser tab after it happend?

could you for test sake plug the wp5 right next to your Access-Point?

My plug right next to an AP reports -36 yours report Signal -71, maybe a signal issue?

I just checked, Signal -71 is real bad wifi signal. its probably a distance issue.

try a reset 3 from console, wait till its online again and then power cycle it by unplugging. this should recalibrate the wifi unit.

At my home Signal -71 means several steel reinforced concrete walls upward of 25cm and a concrete floor also reinforced and about the same thickness plus its floating screed and aobut 15m distance.

Hence the rc-2 errors from the console and issue of staying connected.

Maybe the kind folk on Tasmota Discord can see something more irregular from your logs?

Good luck with it and let us know how you go :+1: