Tasmota MQTT IRHVAC Controller

@dacrypt Someone should decode the codes (the protocol) for your ACs. Until then I can’t do anything. It is very hard for me to decode protocols for remotes that I don’t actually have around me.

Hi Hristo, is there a way to enable control of ECO mode? I can see this is a default parameter, soit is always sent with the same value, but I would like to change it at my will, the same as we can set AWAY or NONE preset modes.

@artuditu Currently no such way. As I already promised, I’ll make a new version of the component, that will support setting up ECO and TURBO. :slight_smile: Currently I just don’t have enough time to do that.

I have the following written in my configuration file:


precision: 1

But precision doesn’t work

@conrad66 Precision should be float, not int … So try to set it to 1.0 :slight_smile:


I set the value to 1.0
It didn’t help
It only helps…
Configuration -> Customization -> Select your created climate entity and add the target_temp_step = 1.0

@conrad66 You’re right man. There has been change in HA, that I have missed … Will fix it soon and I’ll post here! Thank you for pointing me to the issue. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer.
After restarting Home Assistant I don’t see the initial temperature
Is this normal ?

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I had a big desire to fix all things tonight, but after updating my Home ASSisstant to the later version - It just died! Sorry … Will Continue after I get my HASS up and running again …

Finally my parts have arrived so will go about setting this up and trying it. Glad gh0s7 is still working on this project

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I am using Daikin HVAC: FTNE25MV1V9 and user SmartIR with broadlink rm mini 3 to control them; but no state response. I used to use IRHVAC tasmota but I couldn’t, anyone who used this code to use Tasmota IRHVAC can help me. Thank you so muck!

@ngonluarecca I can help you, but I need more details aout the prolem. What is not working? What the log file says? What is your config? What firmware is your rm mini running? :slight_smile:

@Grantoboy @conrad66 @artuditu @iz3man

I finally found some time to make the new version of this custom component. Now you can control all attributes like econo and turbo. Also I fixed the bug, that started from HA v.108 with the target_temperature_step being always 0.5, instead of the defined in the configuration.yaml file one. :slight_smile:

There is a new release and CHANGELOG.md was renamed to SERVICES.md. Also I gave examples how to use the services with switches.

This is the link for the new release: Tasmota IRHVAC for HA v0.108+

This is a link for some basic instructions on how to use the newly added services: SERVICES.md

Screenshot from my test HA with the switches mentioned above

As for your last question:

After restarting Home Assistant I don’t see the initial temperature
Is this normal ?

Yes, this is normal, as there has to be some time, until Tasmota send the current temperature to the component, via MQTT, after HA restart. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Thanks heaps for your work with this.

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Excellent. Thank you. Will test asap!! :grinning: :+1:
Tried it, but it’s not 100% clear how to use TURBO, ECONO etc …
Those are services that need to be called, correct? But what’s the “service data”? Can those services included in the thermostat card somehow? Or will this stay seperated?

@Grantoboy @conrad66 @artuditu @iz3man

I updated my last answer. There is a newer release, with a small fix on something that no one can see in action, but I recommend to use the new climate.py. The change is only in this file. Replace it with the new one and restart HA.

Also in services there is an example how to use the services with template switch. In addition they can be used with scripts, state icons, etc.

I hope that helps :slight_smile:


Can those services included in the thermostat card somehow? Or will this stay seperated?

For now, it is not possible to include them in the thermostat card and will stay separated. :slight_smile: One day, when this become possible, I’ll do my best to include them in the card. :slight_smile:

@gh0s7: Works great. Thanks for the updated information.


This set the TURBO mode on/off. :slight_smile:

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I’m always getting this every time Hassio Restart.

@Iq85k show me your config. :slight_smile: Also, tell me what your log says. :slight_smile: