Tasmota vs. ESPHomeYAML - Pro's & Con's


Any chance you can post the yaml for this, it sounds exactly like what I am going to write up for an irrigation controller and water tank volume built into one nodemcu unit.


I no longer have the same code unfortunately. I moved house and changed the setup to control a bore and two solenoids but removed the moisture sensor and local buttons. I’m considering adding some local buttons back in but don’t really need them since I have a good Lovelace page for the irrigation control.

The ESPhome code is just a simple 3 output, 1 input config now, nothing exciting at all.

Thank you and not a problem.

Can I ask how you are running your irrigation? Nodemcu with relay, separate zones, precipitation input…?


NodeMCU with 5V relays attached. Those relays control 24V to two solenoids and a bore pump contactor. There is feedback from the contactor into an input on the NodeMCU. My code is elsewhere on this forum (although out of date) but yeah, multiple start times, run times, days of week config, settings to not water if weather forecast doesn’t permit etc. I’ll post a new version in that same thread and tag you.

Thank you, that would be awesome.

Not meaning to be a pain or anything, but any update on the ifan03 compatibility with espyaml?

I have noticed that the 02 are back in stock but if the 03 works, will order those instead.


I am a noob and have a lean mqtt-ssl server running on openwrt router and tasmota devices talk to it and my router is always on. I use a mqtt client on android (like mqtt-dash) to control it as well. I am reading up HA but I hope its not another server that needs to be running and constantly checked for its uptime.

Can ESP Home (once flashed) talk to mqtt@router and be controlled with a client on android.


Yes, you can control ESPhome flashed devices with your MQTT server. The main concept of ESPhome however is to provide easy integration with Home Assistant

Thanks Sparky. So if I configure my router MQTT address in HA and flash esp01, I can switch off my HA and control all my esp01 with client mqtt-dash? or is it not that straightforward? Sorry…I am a old man who is also a noob.

You would need to code the ESP device to use the MQTT broker details of your router if you don’t want to use HA. I don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve though, do you want to use HA or not? You said you don’t want to use HA before…? Or is it just that you don’t want to use an MQTT broker in HA? (this is a HA forum after all…!)

Sparky, I am a noob and I sense my persistence is cause of your discomfort but I think I have found an answer. I was hoping for a loosely coupled architecture. Client devices working with MQTT. Home Assistance providing a rich canvas to create client automation. And phone provides a thin client to talk to broker. I am inclined to HA because I love its richness. And I am reluctant to add one more server since my MQTT lives in my openwrt router.

I appreciate your indulging me and I will continue ti learn and find my tilt.

Your persistence isn’t causing discomfort, I just need to understand what you are trying to achieve. In order to run Home Assistant, you need to do so on some sort of server. What that is will be up to you: RPi, NAS, old laptop, whatever. HA can either use your existing MQTT server or it’s own inbuilt one. Either way, you are going to need a device to run HA on.

HA will do the automations for you, or you can code some relatively basic automations into ESPhome devices directly.

You need to explain what you are trying to achieve. If you are worried about ‘another’ server… well what are you running HA on? There is no need for ‘another’ server aside from whatever you are running HA on, but obviously HA needs to be on something…

This is a little off the topic of Tasmota vs ESPhome

Yes. I will start a new thread. Thanks dear. Much appreciate.

Quick question about esphome…

How do things work in terms of firmware updates? Are there ongoing updates like we have in tasmota?

Yes, every so often there is a new release which will show up in the ESPhome dashboard. You can then simply re-flash OTA to update the device

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Champion. Might migrate all my sonoffs (7 devices only)

Tried esphome on 2 T1s and absolutely love it!
Even the response time on the capacitive touch sensors of the T1 is so much faster now!

Thank mate

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I’ve just done my first NodeMCU-based project and was blown away by the capabilities of ESPhome. Wonderful stuff.

Might try switching some of my Tasmota devices over, but here’s a question: is it easy to go back? If I change my mind, can I do an OTA firmware update from ESPhome back to sonoff.bin?

Yes - exactly this to go back. It will even remember your Tasmota settings.

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Has anyone made progress on getting an ifan03 into esphome?

As I am just beginning with home automation, I thought I’d explore this topic and so far I have been seeing that ESPHOME is preferred by people than Tasmota. I would rather stick with one and be good at it rather than learning both. So I decided to flash ESPhome to a sonoff basic. However, I ran into a problem where it is working fine if it is being powered via the FTDI. Once I remove the FTDI and run the mains power to it, it is not connecting to WIFI. I find this strange and I had to go back and forh a few times to FTDI just to confirm that it is working. But everytime I disconnect the FTDI, the problem goes back. I flashed Tasmota and all went well.

I am not sure if this is a one-off problem with that particular device and version of ESPHome. As I said, I am new to this and would still follow the suggestions of people here saying that ESPHome is better so I will try it with my other devices (e.g. NodeMCU and D1) and see if I have better luck with ESPHome.