Yeah, we need to look it to merging those two some day @kylerw
@kylerw INdeed, I was trying to get the best of both the worlds.
We definitely need to merge these two .
Can someone help me, how can I extract just the data from “playing, none” by removing the “{activity}”?
Looks like you are using the official component which is different that this one (extracts and presents the data differently) so it may be worth starting another thread for help.
But, you may be able to use the example here:
using an if statement to check the value.
message: >
{% if is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home') %}
Ha, Paulus is home!
{% else %}
Paulus is at {{ states('device_tracker.paulus') }}.
{% endif %}
try {{ state_attr('sensor.tautulli', '<username>.Activity') }}
@kylerw @dshokouhi I’m not able to do it, it does not work for me.
maybe if you give me an example based on my configuration
I’m pretty inexperienced thank you very much
{{ state_attr('sensor.tautulli', '<username>')['Activity'] }}
should work just tested it out on mine.
ok, works fine!! thanks
I have also added another item to know what each user is watching
my user: jjj
my configuration:
- platform: tautulli
api_key: !secret tautulliapi_key
- title
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'Actividade jjj'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tautulli', 'jjj')['Activity'] }}"
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'Ahora vendo jjj'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tautulli', 'jjj')['title'] }}"
I have this in my sensor.yaml file but i dont get individual sensors like Original poster does…, can anyone tell me why?
- platform: tautulli
api_key: 984sfsfsdsfsdfe4574de999999929bd92122a4af83fb
verify_ssl: false
- stream_count
- stream_count_transcode
- stream_count_direct_play
- stream_count_direct_stream
- total_bandwidth
this is the config, i’ve added, checked config, and rebooted, but only the 0 for tautulli shows up
Tautulli is now a native component but works slightly different than my original version.
If you want to is my version, drop it in your custom_components folder
when i used the native one, i only had 1 sensor show up (see above screenshot), how do i get more?
I don’t use that version but have you checked the documentation?
of course, everything that i sent you is from the docs, figureed you could double check my work…
you need to create template sensors from the attributes… the othert sensors are not generated automatically…
Just set this up now after a lot of mistakes on my part. I was using an old url base of /plexpy which seemed to refuse to connect and I was also having issues with the api key. Managed to resolve by refreshing it and putting it in “” in the config.
Can anyone tell me with what the template config is for the streams example given in the main post?
EDIT: After looking at it again I realise its a pop up click on the transcode sensor. Is there anyway of having it look like that on the home view rather then having to click it?