Teckin SS31 Outdoor Wifi Plug

Has anyone flashed ESPHOME on a Teckin SS31 (Outdoor Wifi Plug) with success? It seems like Teckin is moving away from ESP based devices so I’m hoping someone has recently flashed one of these.

For instructions please see below.

Edit: I was able to flash this by soldering, this newer model does not allow the OTA with tasmota.
With the holidays fast approaching and so many options out there (and so many more that are now not flashable) I thought I would post this as an option.

I thought I would post some pics to maybe help, forgive my soldering I was trying to be as fast as possible while dealing with a toddler

Basically at the bottom you remove 5 rubber stoppers to expose tri-wing screws (ughhh!). I found the best way to take them out was take a smaller flathead screwdriver and just JAM IT IN really good and keep constant pressure and twist, once cracked you dont need as much pressure. They also sell tri-wing screwdrivers on amazon but I didn’t want to wait!

And then on the ‘underside’ you solder on (from left to right of my image)
VCC (3.3), Ground, RX, TX leads (labels visible from the ‘top side’)

and on the top side you solder GPIO0 (I00) and run that to ground (i ran it to an extra ground on my FTDI).

Then you hook that up to your FTDI (RX, TX reversed) and flash.

My YAML below, for my use case I wanted the button to activate one of the relays only, and I wanted the LED light to be assigned to that specific relay so thats the YAML below. Easily editable to require both relays off to turn off the LED etc, but only one relay on to switch the LED on. Very easily editable to also make the LED light a simple switch and not dependent on relay status etc…

  deviceName: teckin_outdoor
  prettyDeviceName: Teckin Outdoor

  name: $deviceName
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285

  ssid: "ssid"
  password: "password"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "${prettyDeviceName} Fallback"
    password: "password"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


    number: GPIO4
    inverted: True

  - platform: gpio
    id: relay1_status
    pin: GPIO5
    inverted: True

  - platform: gpio
    name: ${prettyDeviceName} Switch 1
    pin: GPIO12
    id: relay_1
    - output.turn_on: relay1_status
    - output.turn_off: relay1_status    
  - platform: gpio
    name: ${prettyDeviceName} Switch 2
    pin: GPIO14
    id: relay_2

  - platform: gpio
    id: button
      number: GPIO13
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
      - switch.toggle: relay_1
    name: ${prettyDeviceName} Button

Oh wow great! I have the same model and I was looking for a solution! Thanks for sharing this!

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Hello! I couldn’t find the SS31 anymore, but shared this code (sharing here for the added GPIO pin for the third relay): Teckin SS33 Outdoor Wifi Plug