Temperature and Humidity Sensor - UK

with regards to the

CGG1s and a LYWSD02

does anyone have any information on what the actual sensors they use in them i.e. is it a BME280 with smoothing etc and thats the reason for the slow updates ?

Not sure what the sensor is but the low update rate would be to maximize battery life.

Not a cheap solution but I’m using Philips Hue sensors. They have built in temperature sensors that are not reported in the Hue app but are in Home Assistant. Requires hub.

Ohhh, do tell… I have Philips Hue with hub. Thanks.

I’ve got about 10 of these things around the house, batteries seem to last for ever.

They can be got cheaper from eBay, especially if you buy a pack.

No idea if they work with the hue hub, I’m using a conbee and deconz.

This little fellas: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0748NCMNW/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_2GWcEb54VYYHK

Automatically detected in Home Assistant. Can set some automations. For example, I have a panel heater which turns on at 6am and off when the room reaches 19c.