🌑 Temperature Control Exhaust Fan

Have a look at this blueprint :round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions it is what you are looking for. Have a look at it and if you have any questions just ask in that post.

Blacky :smiley:

That would work but it would be nice to add Notification capabilities to some of these other blueprints. They don’t have to be as elaborate with the actions and buttons.

You dont have to use the action buttons. It will give you your Rising Value for X seconds and your Falling Value for X seconds. You can also run scripts in your actions. Just don’t enable the action buttons and enable the auto actions. Then enter your script and you are done.

Blacky :smiley:

This blueprint has been great and I’m using it for a couple different things. One thing I’m trying to do is have it turn back off after another sensor rises above a certain temp but I can’t seem to find a way to do that.

The exact use case is: I have a temp sensor in my attic that is driving the main trigger. Once it rises above 95F it turns on a fan that pushes warm air into my workshop below. It then shuts off if the attic temp drops below 70F. Works great but what I would like is a secondary temp trigger for when my workshop is above 72F it shuts off.

Any ideas?


Welcome to the community.

I like the idea, I will put it on my list to do…

Blacky :smiley:

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