Temperature just switched from C to F - why?

I think this topic has talked about different but related issues. The one that seems clearly like a bug is displaying a sensor, whose unit_of_measurement is, and always has been, F, on a graph where the Y axis is labeled C, yet the values are also clearly F. And then sometime later, the same sensor jumps to a graph where the Y axis is labeled F. That is certainly a bug.

I agree 100% in relation to the thread. I was purely responding to @Craig_Poulton who wants to override the global setting and calling that a ‘bug’ that you cannot.

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While I can understand the idea of a universal setting for units, where I live it’s common to mix up units of measurement depending what you’re referencing.(try living somewhere where ovens are set to C yet recipes mention F)
So unless “customize” is bring retired or limited it seems like a bug that we cannot customize that item. Reviewing the “customize” page it seems that it still referencing setting the unit of measurement?

Customize isn’t being retired. Applying a unit type will properly convert the output to system units. So if you have a sensor in ºC and your system units are ºF, home assistant will apply the equation 5/9*x+32 and display your units in ºF. This is 100% intentional. Your welcome to make a feature request to have it changed. Calling this a bug will get you nowhere.

Is this still happening intermittently for anyone else?

Just had this happen to me with the upgrade to 0.98.0 and 0.98.1… all my sensors were working fine for months and all 4 were displaying on 1 history graph.

I updated to 0.98.0 and all of the sudden 1 shows in a different graph (even though it’s still measured in ‘F’ according to states.)

I just experienced this as I was building a custom dashboard…it was all great and then mysteriously several temp sensors have changed to a separate graph labeled “C”

It’s clearly a labeling issue - the actual values are what I’d expect for “F” (say 68-72 for comfortable indoor) yet the graph is labeling it “C” for some of them.

It’s coming from your database. Delete the database and it will correct it. Or wait a long enough period and it will correct it. It comes from the fact that half your database has ºC and the other has ºF stored it in. There’s also a possibility that it’s your browser caching the information. A simple CTRL+F5 will clear that out.

Why does the database spontaneously change though? The sensors haven’t changed.

What’s your system unit of measurement?

Where are the sensors coming from?

If you haven’t changed anything in your system, then the change most likely is coming from the sensors themselves. But based on the bare bones look of your UI, it looks like you’re just starting out. So, I’d wager that you made a change that triggered it.

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I had the same issue starting out. Some things I added defaulted to C, but here in this backward country we use F. So the first database entries were in C, until I changed them to F, at which point I got the results reported here.

You can delete the database, figure out how to edit the database to delete or modify just the offending entity, or wait until the old data rolls off.

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Yes, just starting out with a more elaborate UI (breaking into sections)…but it was working fine for a couple days. The sensors are coming from RTL_433 to MQTT, they only report in Celsius over the air. Odd thing is the badges show F correctly for the same ones showing C on the graph.

Equally odd, today all but one has spontaneously “fixed” itself as strangely as they broke.

the database is catching up. Also it could be your browser cache. It’s not spontaneous as said in previous posts. CTRL+F5 clears your cache and reloads the page. If that doesn’t fix it, deleting the database will.

Well, after a lot of fiddling, finally the thing that fixed it was randomly re-ordering the sensors in the graph cards. Hopefully it holds tomorrow.

Simply removing the DB dropped the history but it was recreating it with some showing in C still so I restored the old DB file. CTRL+F5 wasn’t doing anything.

CTRL+F5 needs to be done in your browser. It should reload your page. If it doesn’t, make sure your browser has focus.

Yes - it reloads, but wasn’t helping the problem. It loaded with the same issue.

So far since re-ordering the sensors in the graphs its staying correctly.

I have template sensors from thermostat and weather integrations that are directly in Fahrenheit, and then some ESPHome sensors that report in Celsius and get converted because of global temperature set to F. I have been having this issue with a graph that contains all 4 of these sensors, but I think I found some more clues, at least in the way it happens to me. I have my Homeassistant DB running in RAM so whenever I restart my Pi the DB gets cleared. Whenever this happens, the graph is separate, 2 Fahrenheit temps and 2 Celsius, similar to how others have posted above. But seemingly 24 hours later, the graph has re-combined.

Maybe it’s a graph card side issue, and it needs a full 24 hours to decide properly? Since the DB gets cleared routinely (and I have it set to something like a 2 or 3 day timeout anyways) it’s not possible that data of both units is in the database.

The card only displays what’s in the database…

Feature Request Vote

Had the same irritating problem. Solution was simple but stupid. My Global setting was Celsius but after a HA update, sensors came up in Fahrenheit.
Change Global to Fahrenheit and answer the resulting dialog ; Update the unit of all sensors? - Update and then change back to Celsius and repeat the process…

All sensors in Celsius now.
Hope this helps.

I have the same issue, except every time my HA restarts, it resets all Tado sensors to Fahrenheit numerically, although the display appears in Celsius. When I do what @Fatman suggests above, it works, but I have to do that every time HA restarts. Untenable.

Any thoughts on how to fix this permanently?