Template adjust datetime

Hi Guys,
we are using BabyBuddy to automate our child :slight_smile: so one thin we would like to know is the time he is awake, therefore I use a attribute of the “lastsleepsensor” in an template:

- sensor:
    value_template: "{{( now()- as_datetime(state_attr('sensor.baby_last_sleep', 'end'))) }}"

which returns something like:


what is a good way to get this nicer like:


or is there a better way altogether?


{{ (now() - state_attr( 'sensor.baby_last_sleep', 'end')).total_seconds() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}

This produces an approximation:

{{ relative_time(state_attr('sensor.baby_last_sleep', 'end')) }}

thanks a lot!

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