Template Alarm Control Panel

Not sure if you can do this with the alarm card. Sounds like you only need some buttons and some text.

It might not be a bad idea to use a code here anyway if you will ever give access to your home assistant interface to anyone else. It doesn’t need to match your actual alarm system code if you don’t want it to.

you’ll still need the keypad to disarm it, won’t you?

Not necessarily. As @MatthewFlamm mentioned, I can just use some buttons to achieve this as the REST API call does not need a code to control the alarm.

No worries then.
I think you can use card-mod to set display: none for all unnecessary elements in alarm card, have you tried?

Thanks for the tip. Didn’t know that existed. I’ll check it out.

For anyone who wants to do the same, here’s my Lovelace card with card-mod to hide the Code input and keyboard.

type: alarm-panel
  - arm_home
  - arm_away
entity: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm_panel
name: Home Alarm
style: |
  #keypad, #alarmCode {
    display: none !important;

well done!

I opened an issue here

I’m facing the same problem, but, unfortunately the style solution didn’t worked for. it have no effect at all.
don’t know if this is due to the last home assistant version. Help will be appreciated.

The style fix still works for me. I’m on 0.118.

Thank you for your reply,
I made a copy paste of the code that you shared, as you can see in the screenshot :

I’m missing something ?

ho ok, my bad, I was not using the plugin https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod
this is working now
thank you

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hi when he is disarmed
I want the keyboard to be hidden

when is armed_home
I want the keyboard to appear

it is possible?

I’ve tried following the examples shown above… but the states: arm_home, _away, _night never appear in the panel. Just a DISARM button does? I do have lovelace-card-mod installed. What could be wrong? Thx

I found my problem… I had too many try’s of Alarms in my configuration that I pasted in when researching Alarms. Sorry

Hey there, i used your alarm card mod to remove the keypad thanks, now i want to change the color of the alarm icon when arm_home is selected to yellow, any ideas how to do that?

This works too. Add to configuration.yaml

      code_format: null

Why does this work? I mean I thank you as it solved a problem I had. But I was trying to remove the name and the icon but that don’t work.

I can’t set the alarm.
Here is the configuration:

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ states('input_boolean.test') }}"
        unique_id: 44
          service: input_boolean.toggle
            entity_id: input_boolean.test1
          - service: input_boolean.toggle
              entity_id: input_boolean.test2

Here is the result:

Any help is welcome.

Your value_template is evaluating to off, and this isn’t a valid value. When this happens, the alarm panel locks in the GUI. You need to use a value_template that evaluates to disarmed for example.