Error while processing template: Template("{% set a = 17.271 %} {% set b = 237.7 %} {% set taupunktTmp =(a * states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) / (b + states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) + log(states('sensor.feuchte_garage')|float(none)/100) %} {% set taupunkt = (b * taupunktTmp) / (a - taupunktTmp) %} {{ taupunkt|round(1) }}")
TemplateError('TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'NoneType'') while processing template 'Template("{% set a = 17.271 %} {% set b = 237.7 %} {% set taupunktTmp =(a * states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) / (b + states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) + log(states('sensor.feuchte_garage')|float(none)/100) %} {% set taupunkt = (b * taupunktTmp) / (a - taupunktTmp) %} {{ taupunkt|round(1) }}")' for attribute '_attr_native_value' in entity 'sensor.taupunkt_garage'
{% set a = 17.271 %}
{% set b = 237.7 %}
{% set taupunktTmp =(a * states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) / (b + states('sensor.temperatur_garage')|float(none)) + log(states('sensor.feuchte_garage')|float(none)/100) %}
{% set taupunkt = (b * taupunktTmp) / (a - taupunktTmp) %}
{{ taupunkt|round(1) }}
I just can’t finde the error in this script. It works in developer tools.
Could this be because the sensor is not instantly available at start (MQTT) or why do I get this error?
How can I avoid this?