For my frontdoor I’m working on a way to see who rang the doorbell. First I set an input_datetime and use this to store the image and to display the image.
service: input_datetime.set_datetime
entity_id: input_datetime.deurbel_history_1
timestamp: '{{ now().timestamp()|int }}'
service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.voordeur
filename: >-
(state_attr("input_datetime.deurbel_history_1","timestamp")) }}.jpg
Images are stored locally with the timestamp. An example of an image is:
So far everything is working.
I was trying to get a picture entity card to display the latest image. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get the template working. It works in developer tools but it will not in a picture entity card.
type: picture-entity
image: >-
(state_attr("input_datetime.deurbel_history_1","timestamp")) }}.jpg
entity: input_datetime.deurbel_history_1
show_name: false