Template Light effects

Hi All,

I made my own led-Clock which is customizable in brightness, foreground color, background color, mode, foreground effect, background effect and a couple of other settings. I’ve managed to get the background color in the HSV-color-template of the https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.template/ but now I also want to add some effects (alike Hue-lights already have). These would allow me to set custom effects active on the clock in the same light entity.

Anyone know any other possibilities for this? I already use an input_select for certain modes but I would much prefer for it to be within the light-entity.

Didn’t get very far with this one:

Not a big desire for that I suppose…

not exactly if I understand it correctly. In my case, I already implemented custom effects on the light which just need to be triggered in some way. If I read it correctly, you’re trying to actually make effects using HA?