Template sensor state not updated on trigger but looks like it should

I have had some amazing help with a template sensor and I can see that the logic/trigger is working correctly. But for some reason the state is not being updated as I hoped and I can’t see why it is not working.

below is the yaml and i expected the state to be updated to [speed_kmh - limit_kmh] (should be 18 looking at the data in the image below.

Any assistance appreciated.

Template yaml:

- trigger:
  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {% set log_state = states('sensor.jago_speeding_log') | float(0) %}
      {% set speeding = 0.1 %}
      {{ log_state > speeding }}
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: 'shutdown'
    - name: "Jago Speeding Event"
      unique_id: jago_speeding_event
      icon: "mdi:map-marker-radius"
      state: >
        {% if trigger.id == 0 %}
          {% set speed = state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'speed_kmh') | float %}
          {% set limit = state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'limit_kmh') | float %}
          {{ speed - limit }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}     
        who: "Jago"
        log_state: "{{ states('sensor.jago_speeding_log') }}"
        limit_kmh: "{{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'limit_kmh') }}"
        speed_kmh: "{{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'speed_kmh') }}"
        trigger_id: "{{ trigger.id }}"
        lat: "{{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'lat') }}"
        lon: "{{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'lon') }}"
        time: "{{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'time') }}"
        address: "{{ states('sensor.jago_address') }}"
      availability: >
        {{ state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'speed_kmh')|is_number and
           state_attr('sensor.jago_speeding_log', 'limit_kmh')|is_number }}

Trigger confirmation

Because limited templates I believe. There is no set command there.

You are working with static and know values, so I would try setting a template_variable section, and create a variable that is the target you are looking for an trigger off of that.

Trigger_Variables - variables that are available when attaching a trigger.

Just like states, in a trigger-based template sensor attributes are only updated following triggers… and you don’t have a reset mechanism in the templates of the attributes.

I see. Thanks.

I have a dependent triggered sensor setup in a similar way and it is working. Why does this one work correctly? The only significant difference is this one does not use an availability template.

- trigger:
  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {% set speed = states('sensor.jago_speed') | float(0) %}
      {% set driving_speed = 22 %}
      {{ speed > driving_speed }}
    - name: "Jago Speeding Log"
      unique_id: jago_speeding_log
      icon: "mdi:speedometer"
      state: > 
        {% set speed = states('sensor.jago_speed') | float(0) %}
        {% set limit = state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit') | float(0) %}
        {% if speed == 0 or limit == 0 %}
          {% set speeding_percent = 0 %}
        {% else %}
          {% set speeding_percent = ((speed - limit) / limit) | round(2) %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ speeding_percent }}
        speed_kmh: "{{ (states('sensor.jago_speed') | float(0) * 1.852 ) | round(1) }}"
        limit_kmh: "{{ (state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit') | float(0) * 1.852 ) | round(1) }}"
        lat: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'latitude') }}"
        lon: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'longitude') }}"
        time: "{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%a %d/%m %I:%M %p') }}"

Right. This could explain it i think…

So the triggering sensor (speeding log) has not updated its attributes so the data is not yet available for the receiving sensor (speeding event).

I’m a learner so is this a correct understanding?

For anyone who has a similar issue, what I found is that the problem was that I was using the trigger.id in the state template and this was preventing the state being updated.

So I have now simplified the entire approach and I hold the trigger.id as an attribute and use this to filter the data in a report.

Working yaml below…

# Triggers when 10% (0.1) or above limit
- trigger:
  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {% set speed = states('sensor.jago_speed') | float(0) %}
      {% set limit = state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit') | float(0) %}
      {% if speed == 0 or limit == 0 %}
        {% set speeding_percent = 0 %}
      {% else %}
        {% set speeding_percent = ((speed - limit) / limit) | float %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ speeding_percent > 0.1 }}
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: 'shutdown'
    - name: "Jago Speeding Event"
      unique_id: jago_speeding_event
      icon: "mdi:map-marker-radius"
      state: >
        {% set speed = states('sensor.jago_speed') | float  %}
        {% set limit = state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit') | float %}
        {{ ((speed - limit) * 1.852 ) | int }}
        who: "Jago"
        trigger_id: "{{ trigger.id }}"
        speed_kmh: "{{ (states('sensor.jago_speed') | float * 1.852 ) | int }}"
        limit_kmh: "{{ (state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit') | float * 1.852 ) | int }}"
        lat: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'latitude') }}"
        lon: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'longitude') }}"
        time: "{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%a %d/%m %I:%M %p') }}"
        address: "{{ states('sensor.jago_address') }}"
      availability: >
        {{ states('sensor.jago_speed')|is_number and
           state_attr('device_tracker.jago', 'speedLimit')|is_number }}