Template sensor with multiple conditions

Hi everyone,

I’m creating a template sensor that compares the actual time with 4 input_datetime helpers and changes accordingly.
When I make it simple with just the first condition it works. When I add all the conditions I need the output is always “Pasto 4”, meaning that it always skip to the final {% else %}.
I guess there’s some typo but I can’t find it.
Here’s the new template sensor:

  - name: prossimo_orario_cibo_gatti_new
    state: >
        {% if now().timestamp() < (state_attr('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'timestamp')) %}
          Pasto 1
        {% elif now().timestamp() > (state_attr('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'timestamp'))
        and now().timestamp() < (state_attr('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 'timestamp')) %}
          Pasto 2
        {% elif now().timestamp() > (state_attr('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 'timestamp'))
        and now().timestamp() < (state_attr('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_3', 'timestamp')) %}
          Pasto 3
        {% else %}
          Pasto 4
        {% endif %}

Can someone help me?
Thank you!

Post the values of the three input_datetime entities.

Sure! Here they are :slight_smile:

The problem is that the input_datetimes only contain time but you’re comparing them to now() which is time and date. The template should convert each time value to a time and date value (where the date is today).

Try this version in the Template Editor:

Pasto {{ 4 - [ 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_3' ]
  | map('states')| map('today_at') | select('ge', now()) | list | count }}


Correction. Fixed entity_ids.

Without a date, the timestamp of the helper is always set to that time on January 1st, 1970.

Do whatever @123 says… :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the explanation, now at least I understand the problem. :smiley:
Unfortunateley I didn’t understand what to do with your code, I tried to paste it in the template editor but I get the error:
ValueError: could not convert str to datetime: 'unknown'

Should I put it somewhere inside the code I posted? Sorry, I’m quite a noob, I’ve been messing around with HA for 2 months now and I find that working with time and dates is the more difficult part for me.

You are getting that error because the number helpers are missing the pasto_ in their entitiy id’s… once the spelling is corrected, @123’s template is a direct replacement for the if/then template you had originally.

- name: prossimo_orario_cibo_gatti_new
    state: >
      Pasto {{ 4 - [ 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 
      'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_3' ] | map('states')  
      | map('today_at') | select('ge', now()) | list | count }}

I forgot to include the “pasto_” in “pasto_gatti”. I have corrected the example’s entity_ids. Try the corrected version.

Thank you guys for your support! I tried it and it works.
My final goal was not to display a string, but the value of the next input_datetime_pasto_gatti_#. So, for example, at 9 am I wanted this template to output 12:30.

When I shared my code I thought it was only a grammar typo and put a string as a result of the conditions, just to see if the template would work.
I’m deeply sorry I wasn’t clear from the beginning, it’s totally my bad. Is there a way to achieve my goal?

  - name: prossimo_orario_cibo_gatti_new
    state: >
      {% set n = 4 - [ 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_3' ]
        | map('states')| map('today_at') | select('ge', now()) | list | count %}
      {{ states('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_' ~ n) }}

It works as a charm, thank you very much!
One last question, how can I remove seconds?
I tried the following (and any possible variations I could think of) but it doesn’t work:

{{ states('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_' ~ n , 'timestamp') | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}
{{ (states('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_' ~ n) | as_datetime).strftime('%H:%M')  }}

You’re welcome!

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If you want to reduce a string like this:


to this:


then simply slice off the last three characters using [:-3]

- name: prossimo_orario_cibo_gatti_new
    state: >
      {% set n = 4 - [ 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_1', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_2', 'input_datetime.pasto_gatti_3' ]
        | map('states')| map('today_at') | select('ge', now()) | list | count %}
      {{ states('input_datetime.pasto_gatti_' ~ n)[:-3] }}

Thank you guys for your support @123 @Didgeridrew
You were very helpful and this was very instructive for me.

Have a nice day!

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