Template timer no longer showing in "Time" format please help

Hi everyone, over the past month I have noticed that my template timers are no longer showing the time in hours / minutes (time format) instead is shows in a decimal format. here are pics of my yaml / lovelace card. I would love to hear your thought and opinions! Thank you fellow HA nerds :call_me_hand:

My history stats entities has never ever showed in HH:MM.
Always a float value.

They were working for me until recently. I seen a post somewhere else where someone was asking the same question but I cannot find it. Hopefully someone knows a fix

I found it Fun with custom:button-card - #411 by mikesn31

but still haven’t figured it out…

Thanks to sk8er000 from a previous post I figured it out. I kept the history stat yaml entry and added a template sensor to convert the history_stat sensor data. I then used the new template sensor entity in a lovelace entity card and it shows hours / minutes :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

   friendly_name: "Xbox Gametime Today"
   value_template: >
      {% set list = states('sensor.xbox_on_today').split('.') %}
      {{ list[0] }}h {{ (60 * ('0.'~list[1]) | float) | round(0) }}m