Template variable in script call

I am using the following UI code

          - type: state-icon
            title: BlindSE
            icon: mdi:arrow-down
            entity: cover.salon_store_se
              action: call-service
              service: script.turn_on
                entity_id: script.set_blind
                  blind: "cover.salon_store_se"
                  pos: "{{ -25 }}"
                  tilt: "45"

basically passing on a cover entity name, position and tilt to this script which executes the positioning

  alias: 'Set Blind'
  mode: queued
    - service: cover.set_cover_position
        entity_id: "{{ blind }}"
        position: "{{ state_attr(blind, 'current_position')|int + pos |int }}"
    - service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
        entity_id: "{{ blind }}"
        tilt_position: "{{ tilt }}"

now I am trying to move the position template above from the script into the UI call.
So my question can the variable “pos” in the UI be a template? And if so why does this call return an error:

pos: "{{ state_attr('cover.salon_store_se', 'current_position') | int + 25 }}"

Set Blind: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: expected int for dictionary value @ data[‘position’]

You can’t use templates in lovelace without something like the template card.

Also why do you want to move it from the script to the UI?

Thanks for your answer.
There was no specific point. Just learning what is feasible and what not.

I already told you the same in your other topic regarding this script.