Templated light colour selection in automation

Hello, I created the following action in an automation which turns on a light in a different colour based upon the trigger (rain detected - or dry). I can see that it’s formatted incorrectly, but the odd thing is that it was working and had been for a few days and then stopped. I’ve worked around it in a different way now, but it would be good to know where I’ve gone wrong as this templated solution is more elegant (or would be, if it worked!).

service: light.turn_on
data: |
  {% if states('trigger.to_state','on') %} 
    {"rgb_color": "[0,0,255]"}
  {% else %}
    {"rgb_color": "[255,165,0]"}
  {% endif %} 
  brightness: 133
    - light.ceiling_2_local
    - light.bedroom_local
    - light.lobby_light
    - light.hallway_3_local
enabled: true


Try this version.

service: light.turn_on
  rgb_color: "{{ [0,0,255] if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' else [255,165,0] }}"
  brightness: 133
    - light.ceiling_2_local
    - light.bedroom_local
    - light.lobby_light
    - light.hallway_3_local
enabled: true

That makes a lot more sense, is more elegant still and - it works!

Thank you very much

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You’re welcome!

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