The source sensor (binary_sensor.mqtt_motion) is a binary_sensor generated by the MQTT integration.
I’m checking the state of the binary_sensor itself to define the delay_off value.
‘None’ worked for me, but is changed the logic so I could use the ‘on’ state.
I know this an old topic, but this is the root of the problem I just encountered. Yes, I will use the templated delay_on value.
But two things:
the format people are using is the new binary sensor, but everything I read says only the old format supports “delay_on/off”
how can this log say receiving a value caused the unknown? I thought receiving a value would cause it to go “off” if I only have a delay_on…
BTW, a delay_on of 1 hr causes no issue and has a value right away, but 3 hrs causes long-term Unknown. Odd.