Templates - limit output

Hello community,

I have a markdown that gives me useful info on automation triggered.
I want to limit it to automation triggered during past 24 hours only.
Can someone help as I cannot figure this from what i searched.

{% for state in states.automation
   |sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true) -%}
  {%- set t = now() - state.attributes.last_triggered -%}
  {%- set days = t.days if t.days > 0 else ' ' -%}
  {%- set hrs = t.seconds//3600 %}
  {%- set hrs = hrs if hrs > 0 else ' ' -%}
{% endfor %}

I explained how to do that (for 12 hours) in the topic where you got that example:

What is needed is to modify the for statement with the following additional restriction (24 hours = 86400 seconds):

   if (now() - state.attributes.last_triggered).total_seconds() < 86400 


{% for state in (states.automation
   |sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true))
   if (now() - state.attributes.last_triggered).total_seconds() < 86400 %}
  {%- set t = now() - state.attributes.last_triggered -%}
  {%- set days = t.days if t.days > 0 else '&nbsp;' -%}
  {%- set hrs = t.seconds//3600 %}
  {%- set hrs = hrs if hrs > 0 else '&nbsp;' -%}
{% endfor %}
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