Templating highest value ever


I have a question about templating in Home assistant, is there a way to get the highest value of a long term sensor?
Last year we got Solar panels and i want to now my highest day total ever.

I hope someone can help me out.

I have exactly the same question. Already tried min/max helper, but those reseting every day and only show the higest value from the current day.
I also tried to create an helper with the highest value and run a daily automation to check if the value is higer than the current value like this:

{% if states("input_number.solar_today_production_higest") < states('sensor.solar_today_production') %}
  Do your automation
{% else %}
  Do nothing
{% endif %}

But this feels buggy and wondering if there is not kind of query to find the higest value and when :slight_smile:

Just found this topic with kinda same question. Hope it helps!