Tessie API Integration

Just got the answer from the Tessie dev–the individual door pop only works via Bluetooth, not Internet. That’s why there is no API. That explains it.

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Would it be possible to set schedule time for charging through Home Assistant? It is possible through the Tessie app and desktop web. Would be nice to be able to do through Home Assistant as it is there I have the hour based tariffs.

Yes of course. Just like any other automation.

I’m not looking for an automation, I want to access the vehicle based charging schedule, which is available in Tessie’s app.

Otherwise the Tesla starts to charge immediately when you plug it in, if you turn off the internal schedule.

Ahhh sorry.

I just use ha for scheduling, not the Tesla internal.

I added this to Teslemetry recently so shouldn’t be too hard to add to Tessie too, it’s just a matter of finding the time and prioritisation.

I’m trying to smart solar charge my tesla via node-red but i’m getting

“HomeAssistantError: Validation error: Value 21.0 for number.tesla_charge_current is outside valid range 0 - 16”

is there any way to increase the range of number.tesla_charge_current to 25?

Hi, it is possible to add the temperature, voltage and current sensors related to the Battery in Home Assistant

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It’s on my backlog but Teslemetry and Tesla Fleet are taking priority right now.

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