This is dead, in favour if the recently added denonavr component (scroll down) Thanks everyone!
Added a Feature Request for Zone 2 support for denonavr component. Would appreciate the votes.
Hows this going? I’m trying to get the denonavr component working but I’m getting…
2017-06-03 09:16:38 ERROR (Thread-10) [DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML for: FriendlyName
I have an AVR 1912. Searching for that error hasn’t been much help.
I tried simplifying things and running the client by itself but I think I’m inputting the command wrong.
$ python3 --host x.x.x.x 'cmd0=PutNetAudioCommand/CurDown'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 12, in <module>
File "/tmp/p/denonavr/denonavr/", line 12, in main
File "/tmp/p/denonavr/denonavr/", line 30, in Connect
return Zone(ip, zone)
File "/tmp/p/denonavr/denonavr/", line 64, in __init__
File "/tmp/p/denonavr/denonavr/", line 131, in updateInputs
IndexError: list index out of range
I got past this error by specifying a name
in the component config. The docs say it’s optional. Now to figure out how to send commands to it.
I have a 4310ci. I get:
[DenonAVR] Missing status information from XML of Main for: MasterVolume, InputFuncSelect, Mute, Power
Nice job! But I can’t get Zone 2 to appear.
EDIT: Nevermind, I upgraded HA to the latest and it’s working now. I assume the version I was running previously didn’t have the zoning improvement.
I’ve a Denon AVR 3312 and I’m trying to make it work.
Forst of all, as it’s not WiFi enabled, I use an access point and the AVR isn’t detected every time. This is a network issue, the component can’t do anything on that.
But, when the connection is made (HA sees Denon as “home”), there are things I can do randomly : volume and input select seem to work every time, but play/pause/next/previous don’t ? Sometimes, play/next/previous even allow me to navigate in the NET menu, acting as the remote.
Is there any log or XML from the amplifier that you would need ?
And also, is there any way that the component could interact with the AVR, somehow the same way as the web interface does : display the play list, let the user choose a track, navigate through folders on the USB device or on DLNA…
I’ve seen that there are 2 “denon” standard components, denon and denonavr. I guessed the denonavr was more suitable for my AVR 3312 ?
BEsides the “” component using the telnet connection, which seems to add more constraints.
I’ll give it a try
I’ve made a test and I found a bug, or at least the returned sources from the AVR 3312 gives an error.
I’ll open a new thread as it’s not the same component…
then remains the question of “which one to use”
I have a Denon 4308A AVR and I got this error
Missing status information from XML of Main for: InputFuncSelect, Mute, MasterVolume, Power
How could this be fixed?
I often get a timeout when restarting home assistant, even though I set the timeout value really high. The problem is that it doesn’t retry and the receiver just never gets added…
I have same AVR and Issue
It is still tested this module ?
How i can install this and also start test ?