Texecom2mqtt: Texecom alarm panel and MQTT integration with HA support

The app will create binary sensors in Home Assistant. The sensors won’t give you ‘true’ presence detection, but it will allow you to do automations based on motion, e.g.

alias: "Activate porch lights"
  platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
  service: light.turn_on
  entity_id: light.porch_light

Good news, I’ve added support for using the app as a Home Assistant Add-on :tada:

You’ll need to add https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio as a repository. See the full details here: https://hub.docker.com/r/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt.


Hi Daniel,

I am getting the following errors when trying to install from HA Supervisor.

20-09-10 06:28:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Clone add-on https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio  repository
20-09-10 06:28:36 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Can't clone https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio  repository: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)
  cmdline: git clone --depth=1 --recursive --shallow-submodules -v https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio  /data/addons/git/e6cae6db
  stderr: 'Cloning into '/data/addons/git/e6cae6db'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio /': The requested URL returned error: 400
20-09-10 06:28:36 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.store] Can't load from repository https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio 
20-09-10 06:28:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store] Load add-ons from store: 68 all - 0 new - 0 remove
20-09-10 06:29:26 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Clone add-on https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio repository
20-09-10 06:29:27 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.store] Load add-ons from store: 69 all - 1 new - 0 remove
20-09-10 06:29:38 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons] Create Home Assistant add-on data folder /data/addons/data/c15a2434_texecom2mqtt
20-09-10 06:29:38 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image dchesterton/texecom2mqtt tag latest.
20-09-10 06:29:39 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest: No such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest").
20-09-10 06:29:39 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] This error is often caused by not having enough disk space available. Available space in /data is: 99.6 GiB
20-09-10 06:30:25 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image dchesterton/texecom2mqtt tag latest.
20-09-10 06:30:26 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest: No such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest").
20-09-10 06:30:26 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] This error is often caused by not having enough disk space available. Available space in /data is: 99.6 GiB

Thanks for your hard work so far.


Good news indeed ! :partying_face:

I just tested the plugin out and it works flawlessly.
One thing for those using mosquitto server in HassOS, you have to change the MQTT host to : mqtt://core-mosquitto

Thank you for your work.

Check for a trailing space in the repository name when you added it.

Hi, Removed and re added repository, same result.

20-09-10 08:34:14 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest: No such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest")

I have the app up and running on docker desktop but I am seeing the following in logs.

 PS C:\Users\Mark\texecom2mqtt> docker-compose up
Creating texecom2mqtt ... done
Attaching to texecom2mqtt
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:13 - INFO: Connected to alarm, sleeping for 0.5 seconds...
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:14 - INFO: Connection ready
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:14 - INFO: Fetched serial number: xxxxxxx
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:14 - INFO: Logging in
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:14 - DEBUG: Executing command 1
texecom2mqtt    | 2020-09-11 18:35:14 - ERROR: Unhandled rejection - RangeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE]: The value "NaN" is invalid for option "size"

my config.yml

  # Required: the panel IP address
  # Optional: the UDL password programmed in the panel (default: 1234)
  # Please note: this is not the code used to arm/disarm the panel, it can be found
  # in UDL/Digi Options - UDL Options - UDL Password
  udl_password: 1234
  # Optional: the port used to connect to the panel (default: 10001)
  port: 10001

What panel do you have? That error normally appears when the app can’t work out the panel size/type.

Premier Elite 24 (Polymer) Firmware 5.02.01L51

Then it’s probably the UDL password that is wrong, you’ll need to check what it’s set to in your panel. Take a look at the ‘Troubleshooting’ section here: https://hub.docker.com/r/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt

I’ve just released an update which now gives the actual zone which triggered the alarm as well as additional information on zones such as the zone type and the areas it is in.

You can use the zone trigger information in an automation as follows:

alias: "Alarm triggered"
  platform: mqtt
  topic: texecom2mqtt/12345/area/X
  condition: template
  value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json['status'] == 'triggered' }}"
  - service: notify.phones
      title: Alarm Triggered
      message: "{{ trigger.payload_json['last_active_zone']['name'] if trigger.payload_json['last_active_zone'] else 'Unknown' }}"

I’ve also changed the topic structure a little bit which may break your automations. All topics are now prefixed with texecom2mqtt/12345/# instead of texecom-12345.

I’ve made the change so that it’s easier to target texecom2mqtt topics using wildcards.

Which panels are actually supported? Some list would be lovely, because Premier Elite series is massive…
I’m thinking to buy one, but i need wireless…
Will it work with this one, for example?

It should work with any Premier Elite panel.

Above one is ‘ricochet premier elite’, that’s why i’m asking. They have got way too many models :confused: I just want to buy right one :slight_smile:

It’s still an Elite panel so it should work but I can’t guarantee it.

Ok thanks. I’ll try to find some other wireless elite model then, unless you have one recommended

Any non-discontinuted panel on this page should work: https://www.texe.com/uk/products/series/control-panels/premier-elite-series/

So it seems to be just Premier Elite 64-W in my case lol

Well I am pleased to say I have got the integration up and running and communicating with HA.
Not quite sure how but I did a complete reset of the panel and reconfigured with Wintex.

Maybe I wasn’t patient enough for the connection to fully close on Wintex app before starting Doccker?

HA auto discovers the 10 zones I have programmed on the Panel.

My question now, is it possible to have alarms or status outputs as binary sensors or are these just treated as events?

I have tried listening for events under Developer Tools but not receiving anything

output of log on docker desktop

texecom2mqtt | 2020-09-12 14:42:58 - DEBUG: Publishing to texecom2mqtt/1184708/power: {“battery_charging_current”:9,“battery_voltage”:13.56,“panel_current”:342,“panel_voltage”:13.63}

So the event to subscribe to is texecom2mqtt/1184708/power?

I still cannot setup from HA as per this procedure

To set the app up as a Home Assistant Add-on:

  1. Go to ‘Supervisor’ in Home Assistant, then ‘Add-on store’.
  2. Click on the icon in the top right and add https://github.com/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt-hassio as a new repository. The add-on should now be listed on the ‘Add-on store’ page.
  3. Click on ‘texecom2mqtt’ on the ‘Add-on store’ page and click ‘Install’.
20-09-12 14:39:47 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image dchesterton/texecom2mqtt tag latest.
20-09-12 14:39:49 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest: No such image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest").
20-09-12 14:39:49 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] This error is often caused by not having enough disk space available. Available space in /data is: 93.0 GiB


All the topics are listed here: https://hub.docker.com/r/dchesterton/texecom2mqtt. The main ones you’re interested in will be texecom2mqtt/[serial]/area/[name] and texecom2mqtt/[serial]/zone/[name].

If you enable Home Assistant discovery (https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/discovery/) it should create the relevant sensors for you.