Texecom2mqtt: Texecom alarm panel and MQTT integration with HA support

Thanks again.

Can I setup this integration with a temporary UDL password, then once setup, have the engineer take on their original UDL password (which I don’t know)? Or does the integration always need to know the UDL password?


The UDL Password must be configured on the panel and in the application. Think of it like authentication for external services like Texecom Cloud, Wintex or texecom2mqtt, which they need to be able to talk to your panel and send/receive data. Without this, you cannot connect to the panel, and you cannot set it without an engineer code. This must match in both the panel and the application talking to the panel in order for it to communicate.

Obviously, you can change the UDL password at any time and update your applications with the new password, but you’d need an engineer code to do it. See page 97 of the manual.


If I understand it correctly, the alarm maintenance company needs access to both the UDL password and engineer code to access the alarm system, whether they access remotely or on-site. As they cannot share the UDL password and engineer code with me - because they use the same password/code for their other customers - it seems like I have no choice but either have the alarm maintenance system continue to look after my alarm or I use Home Assistant, which means maintaining it myself. And there doesn’t seem to be a halfway house where I can integrate the Texecom with my Home Assistant but continue to have it maintained by an alarm company, mainly because of the confidentiality issues of the UDL password and engineer code.

Do I have it right?


I have the 640 zone board with 122 entities coming through to HA. When the addon is running everything works very well.

The addon crashes between 2 and 5 times per day, and each time it crashes the entities are unavailable for between 10 and 20 minutes while it restarts. I have an automation checking every 10 minutes and restarting the addon.

Cache is enabled on the addon configuration page.

During these restart periods I miss any motion or alarm set/unset triggers, which is causing problems.

Do I just have to live with this?

I have a dedicated comip interface for ha which nothing else uses.

Anyone found a way to trigger the alarm manually? I have some 3rd party garage door sensors that I want to create an automation to trigger the alarm if they are opened. I see a service in home assistant called alarm_control_panel.trigger and can select the alarm entity but there’s a section to provide code data and I’m not sure what to supply there to get it to trigger.

Also getting issues with the addon crashing every few days and also crashing when alarm is triggered. Need to do some tinkering incase I’ve setup something wrong. Will repost if I find the cause.

No, but would also like to have the ability to do this, e.g. panic functionality. I believe this has been asked previously with a negative response.

The usual cause is when you are trying to run the Texecom Cloud interface on the same SmartCom / ComIP device as HA is using. This will certainly cause issues, especially under alarm conditions when both platforms will be attempting to talk to the interface at the same time. (ComIP / SmartCom are strictly single-client only devices)

Need some help please.
I’m a security systems engineer and installer.
Been working with Texecom for over 15 years.
I have followed this awesome guide and managed to get my Prem elite and smartcom integrated with Home Assistant no problems at all.

But I’m really stuck on the MQTT and Home Assistant side as new to HA.

Looking through the logs when part arming my alarm I can see

texecom2mqtt/area/home: {“id”:“A”,“name”:“HOME”,“number”:1,“status”:“part_armed_1”}

So I tried to create a test automation to turn a light on when the system is part armed.

I set the trigger to
When an MQTT message has been received

I set Topic to
texecom2mqtt/area/home: {“id”:“A”,“name”:“HOME”,“number”:1,“status”:“part_armed_1”}

This doesn’t work

So I tried setting topic to

And payload to

This still doesn’t work.

I’m really at a loss how to actually make HA automations work with messages received from the alarm.

My config is as follows.

  udl_password: "xxxx"
  port: 10001
  host: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883
  port: 1884
  prefix: texecom2mqtt
  username: mqttuser
  password: xxxxxxxx
  client_id: texecom2mqtt
  keepalive: 30
  clean: true
  retain: true
  retain_log: false
  reject_unauthorized: false
  discovery: true
  prefix: home-assistant
  - id: area_a
    name: HOME
    full_arm: armed_away
    part_arm_1: armed_night
    part_arm_2: armed_home
    part_arm_3: armed_custom_bypass
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: false
    code: "xxxx"
  - id: ...
    name: ...
  - id: front_door
    name: Front Door Sensor
    device_class: motion
  - id: ...
    name: ...
cache: true
log: debug

You need to use ‘armed_away’ or ‘armed_night’ as your payload.

One note: in practical terms, you can use the built-in alarm panel functionality in HA to control the alarm and manage automations without needing to mess around with MQTT if this is easier. This is effectively a wrapper around the MQTT interface between the add-on and HA.

The integration exposes an alarm panel for each area you have configured:


You can then built automations around this. e.g. to notify that the alarm has been set/unset across multiple areas:

- id: notify_alarm_change
  alias: Notify if alarm is set or unset
    platform: state
    - alarm_control_panel.house_alarm
    - alarm_control_panel.garage_alarm
    - unknown
    - unavailable
    - armed
    - disarmed
    - armed_away
    - armed_home
    - armed_night
  - service: notify.pushover
      title: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} has been {% if is_state(trigger.entity_id,
        [''armed'', ''armed_home'', ''armed_away'', ''armed_night'']) %}Set{% else
        %}Unset{% endif %}'
      message: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} has been changed from
        {{ trigger.from_state.state }} to {{ trigger.to_state.state }}.

        This happened at {{ now() }}.'
        sound: bugle

Personally speaking, I don’t believe that I do any direct MQTT automations with this integration as I’ve never really found the need to as I can manipulate the alarm panel.


I looked through add-ons and integrations at first but couldn’t find alarm panel.
Then I added to the dashboard as a card and the only device for alarm panel is my aquara hub. Nothing for Texecom.

I also tried setting to armed_night as suggested above your comment.
None of this seems to work.

But I can see in the texecome2mqtt log every event that is happening, it’s even reports the panel voltage.

Maybe it’s something to do with the area name?

2023-05-25 11:05:30 - INFO: Fetched Area A: HOME
2023-05-25 11:05:30 - INFO: Fetched Area B: Area B
2023-05-25 11:05:30 - INFO: Fetched Area C: Area C
2023-05-25 11:05:30 - INFO: Fetched Area D: Area D
2023-05-25 11:05:33 - INFO: Fetched Zone 9: Front Door Sensor (Type: Entry/Exit 1; Areas: A)

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, maybe an issue with my configuration or the Mosquito MQTT setup?

The guide is very vague, it helps you to setup the panel but is not very helpful moving forward.

I’ve managed to get my Hikvision cameras flashing my lights on intrusion detection.
And every other home automation equipment I own. I’m just stuck on this.
Before this I has just installed a relay and set pin 7 to confirmed alarm.
But ideally I’d like more flexibility.

Maybe the OP can help.

The implication might be that you don’t have mqtt set up on your install. Have you installed the MQTT server and integration? Can you listen either using HA or an external app such as MQTT Explorer using `/#’ and can see messages from T2M?

It’s definitely installed.
Other add-ons rely on it and are working perfectly.
Texecome2mqtt connects according to the logs.

2023-05-25 11:24:58 - INFO: Connected to alarm, sleeping for 2 seconds...
2023-05-25 11:25:00 - DEBUG: Executing serial number command
2023-05-25 11:25:00 - INFO: Connection ready
2023-05-25 11:25:00 - INFO: Logging in to panel
2023-05-25 11:25:00 - INFO: Successfully logged in to panel
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Connected to MQTT broker: core-mosquitto:1883 (retain: true, clean: true, client_id: texecom2mqtt, qos: 0)
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - DEBUG: Publishing to texecom2mqtt/status: online
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Serial number: xxxxx
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Panel: Premier Elite 64 (V6.02.02LS1)
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Fetched Area A: home
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Fetched Area B: Area B
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Fetched Area C: Area C
2023-05-25 11:25:01 - INFO: Fetched Area D: Area D```

Just part armed my system and watched the logs

2023-05-25 11:28:52 - INFO: home status changed to Part Armed 1
2023-05-25 11:28:52 - DEBUG: Publishing to texecom2mqtt/area/home:

For me I had no value for prefix in homeassitant section. The default is homeassistant not home-assistant. I suspect you don’t need the -, I think I mentioned this somewhere else as confusing because people just copy the example. Needs to tie up with what you have in the MQTT integration (which defaults to homeassistant).

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You absolute legend, looks like I am getting somewhere now

Is there any (built in) way to get a sensor to show when an area is clear? ie. All sensors within that area are “secure”?

This indicator is available on the diagnostics on Wintex.

Within HA I guess I could create a group of all sensors within areas, but that becomes something else to maintain.

I found this item, but not sure if it will work with Texecom2mqtt

can somone please help with this what do i need to change to get it working?

Hey. I’ve recently noticed the app crashing fairly regularly… over the past few days I’ve simply just restarted it but today I’ve had a look a the logs, and here is what it says:

‘2023-06-16 16:14:56 - INFO: Starting texecom2mqtt v1.2.3 (Node v16.13.0)…
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16)
Emitted ‘error’ event on Socket instance at:
at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)
at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
errno: -111,
syscall: ‘connect’,
address: ‘’,
port: 10001

Any idea what could be causing this?

I have this awesome solution running on a Pi setup without any issues. I’m trying to setup a HA system on a Windows machine. Could somebody please point me to step by step instructions for getting texecom2mqtt running? I’m using Virtualbox. I have seen a post hat talked about adding some lines to create the docket image but where do they go to get executed.