When I arm the alarm in the Home Assistant dashboard, it arms on the main physical wall panel almost immediately (within 5 seconds). However, when I arm the alarm instead using the physical panel there is a delay of around 60 seconds (to allow time to leave the house).
Is there any way to add a similar delay when arming the alarm using the Home Assistant Alarm Panel Card?
I’ve got the add-on setup and working fine, however when the alarm is armed, the status in HA on the texecom card says Arming - it never changes to Armed. Disarming works fine - everything else works fine.
I’m suspecting it’s because I haven’t mapped the areas as per the configuration steps but it does say this is optional….
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I’d be interested to know if anyone’s running OK with the bare minimal config!
One issue I have is that if I arm the panel using Home Assistant and the Texecom2mqtt add-on via the Home Assistant alarm panel the alarm will arm in 10seconds and ignore the Exit delay and the entry/exit zone. I cannot seem to find any mention of this anywhere and cannot find and setting in Wintex to address this.
I think this is expected - when you arm via the texecom cloud app (via smartcom) the same thing happens, there is no exit delay, the panel just arms. The exit delay is to allow a person to exit the area (open, close doors etc).
The arm in 10 seconds - is this the same time as the ‘Exit Settle’ time? You could try changing the ‘Exit Settle’ time to 30 seconds and see, to confirm.
Hi biosmatrix, Yes I tried to change the exit settle time to 30seconds but it has no effect. Still arming in 10secs. I am trying to use the Home Assistant Alarm panel to effectively replace the Texecom keypad, as I have a HA touch panel near the front door, and would like to have the Texecom keypad hidden away. A much cleaner look. So the question is where does the 10 seconds come from?
I think I’ve found the reason… check option 58 in the global system config options - it’s ‘remote arm instant’. If this isn’t enabled, the exit delays will be used when arming remote which includes smartcom, comIP etc.
@ biosmatrix
That has got me one step closer thanks, Now with option 58 disabled the exit timer is working, but my entry/exit zones now cause the alarm to disarm during arming via HA. This does not happen when using the Texecom keypad. I’m not sure if that was happening before
Open 15 is disabled. I found by setting each zones attribute 1 to Access it will allow the alarm to arm, but it does not show that the entry/exit zones have been triggered, as it does with the keypad with a different tone to the arming tone
Option 15: 15 - Hide Exit Errors
If a user tries to arm an area and there are zones activated, the exit
mode will continue (giving a visual and audible indication that there is
a problem). View Exit Error (Not enabled)
If a user tries to arm an area and there are zones activated, the exit
mode is suspended until all of the zones are secure
If the exit just stops it would indicate something is not secured so it can’t arm properly. Are all guard zones secure when you’ve been trying to arm?
Hi, new here. Is this integration still working and updated? I’m looking at integrating my wired home alarm into HA and want to keep a standalone alarm. Konnected looked a good option but is expensive. I have a texecom veritas r8 and could upgrade to a premier elite and smart com fairly easily if this integration is still working ok?? Thanks
Updated? Well, not for a while (3 years!) but it does work very well and does everything I personally need from it. The only long-standing issue it has is to do with an equally long-standing Texecom bug which results in bad CRCs on the transport making the add-on crash and restart, but I think most of us find this manageable. It’s more of an issue, I believe, for those with very large systems - I have 13 zones on my Elite 48 and this is absolutely fine.
It’s also noting that, for technical reasons, the “integration” is actually an add-on not a pure HA integration. In practical terms, it’s a standalone docker container that you can run within HA as an add-on, or externally via docker if this suits you better. I use the former without issue. There is no separate integration in HA, and your devices and entities will appear under MQTT. In practical terms this makes no difference and it’s fully functional in HA.
One other note - for reasons that you’ll find in the thousand posts above, the alarm needs to have a dedicated network interface just for HA. If you want to also use Texecom’s own app and cloud service, you need to have a second network interface and a second ethernet cable to the control panel. The alarm supports (I believe) one Smartcom device (good for Texecom cloud or HA), and one ComIP (which is a cut-down version of the same thing and absolutely fine to dedicated to HA). Neither are built-in, but plug into ports on the mainboard.
The alarm programming is straightforward enough…if you’re an alarm installer! It takes a bit of getting your head around if you’re not, however, but it’s nothing that a competent person can’t work out for themselves.
You’ll find the installation guide here, and it’s worth having a read through beforehand so you understand what you’re getting into. Texecom also support a wireless protocol for sensors (“Ricochet”), but I’ve no experience of this as my system is fully wired.
I don’t suppose someone has a spare comport+ (JAL-0001) they’d be willing to part with ? Seems to be near impossible to source (including the 5 pack) in Ireland and I already have a comIP and SmartCom sigh