The future of YAML

This migration towards a UI-centric configuration approach creates problems that we didn’t have before, and forecloses solutions for those problems. And I’m really surprised that Nabu Casa would head down this architectural evolutionary path.

From the Nabu Casa perspective, you’d think that part of what informs architectural decisions is if they would help or hinder future revenue opportunities. Sure, having a UI-centric vision, and the infrastructure around to support that is great if the customer segment you want to address is ever only individual end-user retail customers. But this selects the customer segment that’s the most costly to market to and acquire - each unit is an individual sale/transaction. And your support load goes up linearly with the number of customers/users, because you have unique, individual customer relationships with each of them.

What you’d like to enable a wholesale distribution model, where Nabu Casa doesn’t have to manage individual customer relationships, but can work though channel partners that could manage groups of those customer relationships. They provide end-user support, and Nabu Casa supports distribution partners.

So, how do you support a million Home Assistant installations remotely, where these things are embedded appliances inside a larger “solution?” Maybe your distribution partners are home builders or AV/Home Theater system vendors or similar. They want to install and somehow manage appliances for these individual users.

The way this becomes successful is to get increasing leverage at scale. This means support/maintenance per instance must be more and more efficient as the number of instances increase. Your business sucks if you have to grow your support infrastructure at the same rate as you grow your customer base.

Enabling this scalability means less human touch and more automation. And that means you really should have abstracted the interface to the persistent state in Home Assistant so that it can be exposed and invoked by APIs. And you write your fancy retail GUI to that interface, and you build externally callable APIs for that interface. And you could imagine a local file-based versions (like in YAML or JSON) that could also be used to invoke those APIs to install/confirm the persistent state.

This is infrastructure as code as has been discussed previously in this thread.

From my point of view, it’s never been about YAML vs. JSON - that’s just a representation choice. It’s the fact that you did have a documented/relatively stable interface specified as a data structure, and implemented using YAML as the representation. It could have been JSON - they’re essentially equivalent. The JSON we have now in .storage is opaque and not a documented interface. You screw with that at your own peril.

The nightmare scenario is when you are really successful and you have 1 million devices in the fields, and you want to push out an upgrade – but “stuff” needs to be done to all 1 million of these. Or you have a remote support problem, where all the users with some commonality (like using some integration with an external thing/service) break and you have to push a configuration change to the 100,000 users with that problem. Having an API and mechanistic interface to the configuration allows you to respond to this sort of problem.

Sure, this isn’t the problem that people reading this discussion have. I would imagine that the problem of supporting a million Home Assistant appliances is a problem some would like to have… I’d think this scenario should be part of some longer term strategy. This approach is hardly new or novel…

I used to have to worry about this in my $DAYJOB when I was CTO for a large VoIP OTT operator, and by the time I left, we had 2,500,000 residential VoIP lines in service. And we learned how the user population transitions from “geek” to “early adopter” to “value-seeker”. And when your product is on the shelf at WalMart… usability and customer education is a whole other problem. I had newfound respect for Dell that innovated different colored connectors on their PCs, along with cable ends with matching colors and similar… You cannot believe the support calls I would listen in on… No, no, plug the YELLOW cable into the YELLOW hole and the other end into YOUR ROUTER. No, don’t plug your phone in the Ethernet jack; even if it fits if you push hard enough…

And so what I learned is that at some point, for a complex product/service, you can only make it so simple and to continue to expand. You (or someone) needs to figure out how to educate the potential users enough on why they need this thing to solve a problem they didn’t really know they had. And that education can be expensive – you need to find a way to get more leverage to reduce support requirements and figure a way to bring to bear both automation via APIs and growing distribution with partners that would also want tooling. The simple point-and-shoot UI will get you far enough to have a really large problem, and then you find yourself painted into a corner because you can’t have enough keyboards, mice, screens and people to drive them.

Maybe no one but Nabu Casa need worry about these problems. Maybe a few others think about how to add value by supplying an embedded solution in place of Crestron and other high-end automation/entertainment alternatives. If you can build an appliance component that is Home Assistant that’s more cost effective for a VAR to support for his end-users, you’ll get the “design-win” and integrated into those systems.

I dunno, this is probably thinking too big for an open ecosystem solution. Amazon, Google, etc. have fairly constrained environment they operate with by default, existing customer relationships and an existing ecosystem to expand from. Home Assistant/Nabu Casa comes at this from the other direction and is trying to solve a harder problem. Do you think this scales up far enough to take market share from some of the existing companies in this space? Go big, or go home?