The Future of Z-Wave in HA - QT-OpenZWave

Will do… though later, I have to pull the light switch off the wall to include/exclude the nanos, so probably a weekend project

I think you can trigger inclusion/exclusion with the switch.

After your Dual Nano Switch is installed and powered on, you are now able to manually control the Dual Nano Switch to turn it On/Off directly via pressing your Dual Nano Switch’s Action Button, it is time to add your Dual Nano Switch to the Z-Wave network. To set your Z-Wave gateway/controller into pairing mode, please refer to the respective section within your controller instruction manual.

Set your Z-Wave controller into pairing mode. Press the Action Button on the Dual Nano Switch or toggle the external manual switch once, the green LED (non-secure indication) will blink to indicate the Dual Nano Switch is entering into pairing mode.

Three times removes it.

Ooooh, I thought you could only use the external switch to factory reset it (hold for 20 seconds). I’ll try this shortly then! Thanks for the tip, this will make life much easier if (god forbid) I ever have to replace my controller for any reason :laughing:

Edit: wrong

Just gave a shot at exclusion, but using the external switch doesn’t seem to trigger it, whether I triple press quickly or slowly. Rechecked the guide and it definitely doesn’t specify if there is a time limit like there is for inclusion.
I’m thinking maybe it only works on standard toggle switches. Mine are Momentary press…
So I’ll get properly into it tonight or tomorrow.

Would it be helpful at all to raise an issue running rc.0? Or definitely build off the master?

And while I’m thinking about it, what logs and levels should I set running to be useful, but not overloading of data? I take it ZWave-JS but should I also get ZWave-JS2MQTT as well?
I do enjoy that one of the log levels is called silly… :stuck_out_tongue:

Silly or debug is best. Logging has been improved so you should get both to file in the store folder.

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Damn right silly is best! I mean… ahem.

One last q, just glanced through the docker page, were you directing me to “Custom Builds” or " Building a container using Dockerfile.contrib"?

Edit: Oh and would it be under Node or MQTT?

Don’t worry about it, I was looking at the old project. You can just pull the dev image.

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And should I submit an issue under node-wave-js or zwavejs2mqtt?

I’d guess the node level. Both maintainers are active in both projects so it’ll get figured out.

Ok, gave it a shot.
Seems there is fallback behaviour now. When I start Secure Inclusion, it fails and just includes as insecure. I’ve posted a bug describing what originally happened, and the new behaviour, with logs. :crossed_fingers:

I bit the bullet this weekend and moved over to zwavejs using HA beta 2021.2.0b1. Gotta say it’s working well and the web interface is awesome. It gives me a really good insight into the zwave network that I’ve been missing with all previous ZWave integrations.

I used docker-compose to deploy zwavejs2mqtt. You can use it without mqtt for Home-Assistant

  1. Backup your existing config! Take a snapshot. I highly recommend using “Home Assistant Google Drive Backup” to name snapshots by date/time and upload them to Google.
  2. Go to integrations and remove the existing Z-Wave integration.
  3. If you have an existing Z-Wave docker container make sure it’s stopped.
  4. Deploy ZWaveJS2MQTT. I used the following docker compose file. Replace the device config with the path to your own ZWave stick.
version: '3'
    image: zwavejs/zwavejs2mqtt:latest
    container_name: "zwavejs2mqtt"
      - seccomp:unconfined
      - "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00:/dev/ttyACM0"
      - 8091:8091
      - 3000:3000
      - /srv/zwavejs/store:/usr/src/app/store
    restart: unless-stopped
  1. Start the new container.
docker-compose -p zwavejs2mqtt -f zwavejs2mqtt.yml up -d
  1. From a browser visit http://youDockerHost:8091
    a. Go to settings and select your ZWave stick from the “Serial Port” drop down.
    b. If you have an OZW_NETWORK_KEY configured you will need to paste it into the “Network Key” box. Remove all commas and 0x. So 0x8D,0x02,0x03,0x03,0xD6,0xF9,0x6F,0xC0,0x0D,0x91,0xC1,0xD3,0x13,0x5B,0x04,0x9C becomes 8D020303D6F96FC00D91C1D3135B049C
    c. Enable “WS Server”. This runs on port 3000 and is how Home Assistant will connect to the container.
    d. “Disable Gateway”. We only need the WS Server.
  2. Lastly go back to Home Assistant and add the ZWaveJS plugin from the integrations screen. Make sure to untick “Deploy ZWaveJS Server” which will allow you to enter the IP:Port of your container http://youDockerHost:3000
  3. Spend the next hour renaming your devices and figuring which of your many dimmers is upstairs/downstairs/living room/dining room :slight_smile:


Why would the zwave JS add-on be unavailable on my system? “This add-on is not available on your system”. I’m running the full home assistant os on proxmox.

Because it’s currently only available to load on beta versions of the OS. I believe it will be released to the stable OS stream soon, and become available to add then.

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Would you mind posting this in the other zwavejs dedicated thread, too? that way we keep everything zwavejs related in one spot. Thanks!

Also to point out that the integration (not only the add-on) is also only available in the dev version of HA right now and isn’t generally available yet either.

Both ways are fully supported and either is recommended.

The Z-Wave JS 2 MQTT project also includes the Z-Wave JS Server (you can enable it in the settings) and they provide a Docker image.

Yeah, I stand corrected. I didn’t see that when I looked at this when originally installing the beta. Thanks.

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I use to really like OpenZWave, It’s a pity it is only maintained by one person and the negativity has hit him a bit. OZW 1.6 had such potential.
That said, I am looking forward to see how Z-Wave JS matures.

I never got an answer. I ended up using the HA built in entity naming system which is pretty cumbersome when you have a large number of things to rename.