The Haaska Super Thread

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply! I will try this.

Maybe there is already an answer to this some where but I didn’t find it.
I’ve setup haaska , and when I test the lambda function the devices I’d expect to come back from my HA are correct. I thought I was good to go, but I have the following problem.
When I ask my Alexa to to turn on one of these devices it say it can’t find it.
So somewhere in the setup instructions I must of missed something.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on what to check to fix this.

Hi @gregmb! Have you activated the skill in your Alexa app? It’ll be under “My Dev Skills” or similar.

After that, make sure to ask Alexa to discover devices :smile:

Neither in my android Alexa App nor the web do I find ‘My Dev Skills’
A large list of categories on the web site.
Alexa App on my phone only has Skills and Games
And what would my skill be called? (i.e. what part of the many name I gave during setup would it be?


Or are you talking about the alexa developer console, or something else?

@gregmb Sorry, wasn’t at my phone to check.

In the app, go to the menu, then Skills & Games. Tap on “Your Skills”. Slide the boxes over until you see “Dev”. Find the skill you created with the name you gave it. Select it and choose “Enable Skill”.

Now I must go to sleep (it’s 2 AM here).

Note: Yours might not look like mine, it might just be an empty logo and the name. I was experimenting with giving it a better appearance.

Says Account linking required ?

OK, I got past that , just had to tap on haaska skill, login me into my amazon acct

Alexa now interacts with my devices on HA

Thanks so much.

Good Nite

Is there a way for Haaska to make my automation and scripts show up as Alexa routines?

@ThaNerd No, sorry - it is strictly a Smart Home skill, so it’s as if you added, say, a Hue Hub. As far as Alexa is concerned, your scripts and automations are just switches that it can turn on or off.

Hi to everyone, I found out Haaska and I tried without thinking twice to implement it!

Anyway, at the very end of the guide, when my enthusiasm was at its peak, the Lambda test failed.

Here there is the message gave back from the test:

“errorMessage”: “HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’*****’, port=8123): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa/smart_home (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, ‘[SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:852)’),))”,
“errorType”: “SSLError”,
“stackTrace”: [
“return‘alexa/smart_home’, event, wait=True)”
“timeout=(None, read_timeout))”
“return self.request(‘POST’, url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs)”
“resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)”
“r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)”
“raise SSLError(e, request=request)”

Can please someone help me?

Amazing work to you and the guys who worked on this projet !

following every steps and it works.
Except the test failed due to i had to remove “/api” from the url in json config.

Thanks a lot !

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Hello guys, how are you?

I’m having troubles with the haaska integration starting today. It was working without any issue and now it just stopped working. I have executed the test for the lambda function and it returns an error that does not tell me anything about it?
Does anyone can help me with it? Here below the logs rom the developer console:

START RequestId: 59fa3c71-dcf7-4c55-8df5-119a735aa83e Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 59fa3c71-dcf7-4c55-8df5-119a735aa83e
REPORT RequestId: 59fa3c71-dcf7-4c55-8df5-119a735aa83e	Duration: 3003.15 ms	Billed Duration: 3000 ms 	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 30 MB	
2019-05-24T00:50:51.488Z 59fa3c71-dcf7-4c55-8df5-119a735aa83e Task timed out after 3.00 seconds


Hi @Javier_Dst!
Looks like it’s having issues communicating with your Home Assistant install (it has a timeout of 3 seconds).

Do you know if your connection is slow right now? Perhaps restarting Home Assistant can help?

Thanks @anthonylavado I will try it right away and I will let you know. I have restarted my Home Assistant several times today, but maybe it needs one more.

Thanks again for your answer.

@anthonylavado the rebooting fixed the issue. thank you very much for your help!

I got this error when entering the endpoint
The trigger setting for the Lambda arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:xxxxxxxxxx:function:haaska is invalid. Error code: SkillManifestError
When saving the function, I did not get any error.
Whats wrong?

meanwhile i executed the test function without errors
so where does this manifesterror come from?

  • solved - found a way in www

Hi, after setting up the skill and got him finally activated (nobody wrote something abount intends and all these stuff) alexa does not detect any entity form HA. Did I still forgot something?

The test is successful, see a part of the result:
“event”: {
“header”: {
“messageId”: “e4754e4b-9b36-4a0d-a1b6-68d9f25703f4”,
“name”: “Discover.Response”,
“namespace”: “Alexa.Discovery”,
“payloadVersion”: “3”
“payload”: {
“endpoints”: [
“capabilities”: [
“interface”: “Alexa.SceneController”,
“properties”: {
“proactivelyReported”: false,
“retrievable”: false,
“supported”: []
“supportsDeactivation”: true,
“type”: “AlexaInterface”,
“version”: “3”
“cookie”: {},
“description”: “script.command_bright_light”,
“displayCategories”: [
“endpointId”: “script#command_bright_light”,
“friendlyName”: “command_bright_light”,
“manufacturerName”: “Home Assistant”

Hi @Pirol62! :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you added Alexa to your Configuration.yaml file?


if you mean this:
- automation.activate_holiday_modes
- automation.activate_hue_sonnenuntergang
- automation.align_gardenlight
yes indeed :wink:
Otherwise from my understanding would the test script does not return devices. right?