Thermostat automations

Would it be possible to create just one automation instead of 4 for specific time for setting up different temperature/heat for by two thermostats.
I have two thermostats, first_floor and second_floor.

I want to turn on(heat) and set temp as below
at 05:15 on first floor -> heat 70
at 08:00 on second floor -> heat 58
at 19:00 on second floor -> heat 70
at 22:00 on first_floor -> heat 58

I could manage setting up trigger and condition(we are not away), but I’m having difficult in action. variable entities are climate device( either first floor or second), their temperature (58,70) and different times.

  • id: ‘1611003416146’
    alias: ‘Thermostats Automation’
    description: ‘’
    • platform: time
      at: ‘08:00:00’
    • platform: time
      at: ‘20:30:00’
    • platform: time
      at: ‘05:15:00’
    • platform: time
      at: ‘10:00:00’
    • condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.location_away
      state: ‘false’
    • variables:
      hhmm: {{ (now().timestamp())| timestamp_custom(’%H%M’) }}
    • service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: ‘58’
      entity_id: climate.second_floor
      mode: single

Not sure about template in Service?
basically when HHMM == 0515 set first floor heat to 58 and likewise.

Can anyone point me to right direction for this action part when there are multiple different entities and different actions at different time?

Or do you think it’s not worth time and create 4 single stage automations to cover 4 triggers?

It might be easier to use this:

Thank you. Yes this one worked. but its same as automation. I’ll be creating 4 different scheduled events to set temperature, same way I would have done 4 automation to do it.
I was looking for a way to merge those 4 actions on 2 different entities at 4 different time.

I installed scheduler card/component and it makes very easy though. But I’m not sure if I’ll keep it running. Its like running one additional component when normal automations can do it as well.

Did you ever figure out a way to combine the schedules for the same entity?