Thermostat card - Add the ability to show additional informations

I appreciate the new thermostat card, but unfortunately, I am still missing the ability to show some more information on this card.
For example, I have entities showing the position of the valves from the floor heating system (Homematic Falmot C12 with motorized actuators), and I would appreciate it if I could show this information inside the thermostat card… For now, I designed a custom card with a thermostat card and a glance card in a stack, but having the possibility to show additional information inside the HA thermostat card would be so cool😎
Also showing the outside temperature etc. into the thermostat card would be nice.

You should try simple thermostat card.

Agree. Valve state and child lock would be nice.

Hi @nickrout
Thanks for the tip, but that’s what I’m currently using “as work around”…
But I would like to use the native HA card if it would offer even more options.

Something like this?

It is an entities card with other cards inside it. It uses custom hui element to accomplish this.

type: entities
show_header_toggle: false
title: Upstairs
  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: thermostat
    entity: climate.upstairs
      - type: climate-hvac-modes
          - fan_only
          - dry
          - cool
          - heat
          - heat_cool
          - 'off'
  - animation:
      state: 'off'
    columns: '1'
    direction: right
      - entity: sensor.lounge_room_temperature
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        max: '40'
        min: '-10'
        name: Temperature
          - color: '#039BE5'
            from: '-10'
            to: '17.9'
          - color: '#0da035'
            from: '18'
            to: '22.9'
          - color: '#e0b400'
            from: '23'
            to: '24.9'
          - color: '#e45e65'
            from: '25'
            to: '40'
        target: '18'
      - entity: sensor.upstairs_heat_pump_power
        max: '4000'
        min: '0'
        name: Power
          - color: '#039BE5'
            from: '0'
            to: '299.9'
          - color: '#0da035'
            from: '300'
            to: '899.9'
          - color: '#e0b400'
            from: '900'
            to: '1799.9'
          - color: '#e45e65'
            from: '1800'
            to: '4000'
    entity_row: true
    height: 28px
      icon: inside
      indicator: inside
      minmax: 'off'
      name: inside
      title: 'off'
      value: inside
    type: custom:bar-card
      color: var(--primary-text-color)
      text-shadow: none
  - card_type: custom:fold-entity-row
      entity: automation.sheduled_heatpump
      state_color: true
      name: Schedule
    padding: 0
    type: custom:hui-element
      - type: custom:hui-element
        card_type: entities
          - entity: schedule.upstairs_heat_pump
            state_color: true
          - entity: input_number.upstairs_ac_temp_set_heat
            name: AC Heat Set Temp
          - entity: input_number.upstairs_ac_temp_set_cool
            name: AC Cool Set Temp
          - entity: sensor.upstairs_heatpump_mode_required
  - card_type: custom:fold-entity-row
      entity: automation.upstairs_aircon_temperature_adjustment
      name: Auto Temperature Adjustment
      state_color: true
    padding: 0
    type: custom:hui-element
      - type: custom:hui-element
        card_type: entities
          - entity: schedule.upstairs_ac_boost
            state_color: true
          - entity: input_number.away_or_in_bed_delta
          - entity: input_number.peak_rate_delta
          - entity: input_number.boost_delta

The other option may be to use the tile card thermostat and this to add extra buttons:

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Since the thermostat card now supports tile features, you can also use service call tile feature with it.

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Hi @Nerwyn
Sorry, but I don’t really understand what that means, with “call tile feature supported by the card now”.
Could you please explain this in a little more detail, perhaps with a small example.

This is a test, because I have trouble sending reply on your post.
When replying on Tom, I alwayse receive this message and cannot send my post!?

very strange…

Just tested. If I write Tom in the text with an underscore and I attached (which is his nickname), I can’t send the message. But if I just write Tom, then I can send the message without any problem!?
What am I doing wrong here?

Ok, maybe a direct reply is not desired…, therefore her my answer to Tom without it:

Thanks for this tip.
Looks nice, but I would prefer a more space-saving solution, which is why I would like to display some more information directly on the thermostat card.
Currently, for example, I also use “simple thermostat” packed with other cards in a vertical stack…
There are already a few solutions for how I can display needed information, but unfortunately they are always just “workarounds” because the native HA cards don’t offer some nice options.
I think that the thermostat card itself is quite large, and I see potential to display a few more information directly on it…
For example, the already mentioned valve position of the heating circuits of the underfloor heating would also look good directly on the thermostat card without requiring any additional space with any “workarounds”.

Because his name has an underscore which the forum software sees as code. Click ‘post anyway’.

Hi @nickrout
Thank for the info.
I had already tried that, but it didn’t work either. As long as the underscore is present, it is not possible to send the message, even with the “send anyway” option.

In the latest Home Assistant frontend release, they added the ability to add tile features to the thermostat card. This includes my project service call tile features, which tom_I linked.

type: thermostat
entity: climate.downstairs_thermostat
  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: button
        label: >-
          Humidity: {{ state_attr("climate.downstairs_thermostat",
          "current_humidity") }}


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Hi @Nerwyn
thank you very much for the explanation and sample code.
I had already searched for information about it, but unfortunately I couldn’t find anything about it on the HA thermostat card homepage…
Is this documented somewhere?

They added a line about features here. And they mention adding feature (formerly tile features just for tiles cards) support here in the 2023.12.0 release announcement.

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Hi @Nerwyn
Thanks for the links.
I think I got it now :slight_smile:
Didn’t check that your custom repo is required for this function.
I’ve looked at your repo and am impressed by the possibilities.
Unfortunately, this currently doesn’t fit into my project, where I would like to work with the native HA cards without custom repos.
In the past, I had already implemented functions via custom repos, which were then no longer developed, which gave me a setback in my project.
After your first post here, I meant that with the support of the tile features, HA would now have an onboard option integrated to display further information on the card.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and as far as I understand, only the climate-relevant features “HVAC Mode” and “Preset Mode” are supported.
Thanks to all for the suggestions, but I still believe and hope that the HA thermostat card could be improved by giving the possibility to display more information out of the box.
To be honest, I’m very surprised that the thermostat card hasn’t been developed more extensively to offer more options, since this is probably a card that is used very often.

It would also really be nice if we could make better use of the card by being able to display more information without having to enlarge the card with additional buttons etc., as is currently the case with the workarounds (combined cards in vertical stacks, custom service call, etc…)

Is it possible to remove the current temperature ? Because it is a totally wrong temperature

Tried to add the feature parameters to a thermostat card but don’t have any success.
Regardless of what I’m doing I’m getting:
Custom element doesn’t exist: service-call.


type: thermostat
entity: climate.midea_ac_152832116330757
  - type: custom:service-call
      - type: button
        label: test

You installed it via HACS as described in the README right? Did you try clearing browser cache and restarting the browser?

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I actually had no idea, this was a HACS integration. Just installed it and it works flawlessly.

Just trying to figure out how to add 3 extra buttons (input.boolean) to my Thermostat cards right now.

These 3 features are not provided by the Midea Smart AC local integration itself but I was able to add these via an zigbee IR blaster and automate the scripts/toggles in a way they function as any other button already on the Thermostat cards.