Thermostat suggestions for Vaillant central heating (evoVIT, calorMATIC)


I am looking for a way to connect my central gas heating to home assistant. Most of my radiators are equiped with Homematic thermostats and the HomeMatic system is connected to Home Assistant as well. Just my central heating is missing which is why if the central heating ist set to lowering temperature, I cannot get any heat in my rooms. So I decided I want to conenct it to Home Assistant as well.

The central water heater in our basement is a Vaillant ecoVIT exclusiv, the control unit is labeled “calorMATIC” (see attached photos). It can be controlled directly or via a Vaillant wall thermostat, model “VR 81”. The manual states it is a remote for the “VRC 430”, which seems to be the exact type of the “calorMATIC” control unit mentioned above.

So I am guessing my best bet is to exchange the wall thermostat for something that I can connect to HA. There are various thermostats like Tado, NetAtmo, Nest or Honeywell. I don’t bother if it is cloud-attached or not, I just have to be able to easily control it from HA. Will these thermostats work with my Vaillant water heater?

How does the integration into HA work? Can I just set it to lowering or comfort mode from HA? So, if all my HomeMatic radiator thermostat valves are at 99%, I could raise the temperature at the boiler? Are there any tutorials or best practice guides on this kind of setup?

Keep in mind, I might be willing to switch my room and radiator thermostats from HomeMatic to some Z-Wave system at a later time. But at the moment, I am just looking for the easiest way to connect the central heating to Home Assistant.

Thanks for your suggestions / assistance!

You can use the Vaillant Smart Thermostat which can integrate with Home Assistant and is very very easy to install.

There is no official support for Vaillant Thermostat. How can it be integrated with HA?

See Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release