Thinking of Bailing

Have you tried restarting HA already?

That helped. Ugh.


Any way you can move the node closer to the stick for testing or is it already next to it?

You also stated you’re in a VM… do you happen to be running ESXi?

No VMware workstation.

I ask because there was a kernel driver issue in ESXi that would screw with the USB ports causing issues similar to what you’re experiencing.

After a full reboot of the virtual the Z-Wave stick came back. I’ve since turned off the water sensor due to continued frustration. I can hook it up again if I could have some guidance on what to do to load my devices xml data in the right place.

Oh and the stick is about 10 feet away from the device and it’s powered.

Zwave should work easily at 10 feet unless there is something between the device and the controller.

The XML files need to go into the zwave config_path directory.

It’s been a minute, I’ve forgotten if you stated you were in a docker install or a venv install.

Docker. Running on Ubuntu.

Right so we need to grab the configs from here you can load them into /config/ozw_configs/ where your HA configs live, and set the config_path to /config/ozw_configs/ in configuration.yaml
(if you haven’t done something similar already)

Then modify manufacturer_specific.xml and add the last line here where the id=2003:

		<Product type="0b01" id="1002" name="FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor" config="fibaro/fgfs101zw5.xml" />
		<Product type="0b01" id="1003" name="FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor" config="fibaro/fgfs101zw5.xml" />
		<Product type="0b01" id="2002" name="FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor" config="fibaro/fgfs101zw5.xml" />
		<Product type="0b01" id="2003" name="FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor" config="fibaro/fgfs101zw5.xml" />

I checked the XML the options and such are the same. This might help with the issues you’re having.

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That’s good to know. I didn’t know we could override/add xml files. Way more elegant than hacking the zwcfg file.

Is this doable? I did do something like this before but it didn’t use them. Perhaps because they were from the 1.6 branch? So backed out of it.

1.6 XMLs are not compatible with 1.4 whole different schema. I linked the 1.4 branch off their github.

Ultimately I am wondering if something like MySensors would be better for your setup than zwave (at least for a leak detector)

OK change in place. Any way to confirm it’s using the new config folder other than there is no error in the log?

Only way really to tell would be to exclude then re-include the device, it should come up with a name instead of Fibaro Unknown yada yada

OK so that seems to be working for this second. Some things:

  1. So it’s now showing as the right name.
  2. Turned off the tamper alarm for now.
  3. The Tamper Alarm or Burglar is showing a 3. I thought it used to go to zero when there was no alarms.
  4. The Flood Sensor Alarm Type is set to 5 whatever that is.
  5. I tied the Z-Stick to Group 3: Flood Alarm

So when I use this thing:

  1. The main unit sitting on the ground. Dump water around it that rolls under it. The light on the unit starts flickering and you can hear the unit make occasional clicking noises. Here’s the thing. The first flood sensor in HA goes from 0 to 2. OK great. But it goes back to 0 in milliseconds. No alarm beeping. And then will go back to 2 and 0 in milliseconds again and again until the water leaves.

  2. If I stick the probe on the ground and have the same water run over it, no alarm again. Same reaction with the 0 and 2 and it’s the same flood sensor in HA, the second one never gets triggered.

  3. If I submerge the probe into the water it starts alarming and the 0 changes to 2 and sits like that.

Now with the Aeotec when I switched from secure to non secure it separated the two sensors between the two flood sensors. If these can be considered separate sensors I have no idea.

With what happens with 1 and 2 above, I can only image first if HA would catch these and 2 the kind of alerts I would get would be insane as it would keep switching states.

Oh yeah, and the binary sensor never does anything.

Oh fricken rediculous. So I rebooted HA, everything came back and said Ready for Z-Wave but was like hmmm, some of my default entities are gone on the top that auto populated. Only the Binary Sensor which doesn’t do anything and the temperature were still there. I went into my entities and they are all listed as unknown.

I don’t know if they work since they are gone from the screen for whatever reason. Could add them but what gives?

So I looked it up alarm type 5 is water detected:


@Fishwaldo maybe able to shed some light on the alarm level stuff.

It’s also possible these type of devices won’t work properly with 1.4 and work best in 1.6.

Now when I look at my Logbook and see like:

0:58 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor Flood changed to 0
10:58 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor SourceNodeId changed to 0
10:58 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor Alarm Type changed to 5
10:53 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor Burglar changed to 3
10:44 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor Flood changed to 2
10:44 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor SourceNodeId changed to 0
10:44 AM FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor Alarm Type changed to 5

None of the links do anything. Probably because they changed back to unknown so aren’t associated anymore.

So is it just me? Am I unluck with the devices I’m working with? Is it more HA is not up to date with Z-Wave? Is my original thread name the right path?

Well 1.6 is relatively new, and the python-openzwave library it uses hasn’t caught up, hence the delay in upgrades.

I’ve never used a zwave water detector before so I’m just reading the manuals and specs and giving you the data available to me.

Maybe for specific instance devices zwave might not work best for you. There could be something funky going on with your VMWare software too hard to say.